Chapter 10

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Soon they will be back in the Capitol. And then back in 2 before they know it. But it won't be the same. They won't be the same kids they barely were when they left: they will be victors. Legendary winners of the Hunger Games.

Except they aren't.
Because 12 are going home too.

Every part of him wishes that when he walks through the door into the main seating area the hovercraft will be empty. There will be no one else in those seats and his sword will be on the floor, stained with 12's blood.

But thinking that would make him delusional because no matter how he looks at it, 12 won too and he has failed.

His father is going to be furious.
Because he has failed.

Snow must be furious.
Because they both failed.

Cato can't help but think of the consequences that must be waiting for them all back in the Capitol. Dressed up in jewels and tasteless furs but severe consequences none the less.

5 minutes slip off the clock as his thoughts continue to race. Clove begins to stir. Cato's eyes snap down to her. He hopes she's okay.

She has to be okay.

Her eyes flicker open slowly. She squints at the bright fluorescent lighting. Her arms shake as she tries to push herself up, her body shaking as much as Cato's hands were.

He shakes his hands once and tries his best to steady him as he cautiously walks over to Clove.
She manages to push herself into a sitting position, wincing in pain.

'Hey," Cato says softly, moving closer to her.
"Hey," Clove croaks, "how long was I out for?"
"Not long. I must admit, those doctors are good."
"Where are we?" she looks around confused.
"Hovercraft. Still haven't reached the Capitol yet," Cato replies.

Clove starts shifting, attempting to swing her legs over the side of the uncomfortable hospital bed. Pain shoots up her side. She hisses in pain, face contorting and Caro rushes to help her.

"Here let me help. You want to stand?"
She nods and he gently wraps his arm around her waist. He helps her slide off the bed, her cheeks dusted pink.

As soon as he lets go of her, her legs give out from under her. Clove curses under her breath.
She hates being so weak. She feels like an idiot for getting herself hurt.

She feels like she failed.

"Maybe you should sit back on the bed," Cato suggests.
She lifts her eyes to meet his, their gazes tangling together. She clings tightly to his coat, his arm still wrapped around her to stop her from falling.
Clove feels something twisting in her stomach, coiling into a knotted mess.
She pushes it aside.

Clove shakes her head once, "No, I hate hospitals: they give me the creeps."
"Okay but the only other option is the sit out their with 12," Cato spots out the last word like it physically disgusts him.

Anger flashes in Clove's eyes and her mouth sets in a grim line. 12 shouldn't be their. Her and Cato should have finished them off when they had their chance. All of their training had been for nothing. For failure.

But she breathes, sighs and says, "Fine. Anything is better than in here."
She pointedly looks around the room and Cato follows her gaze. All of the doctors are stood completely still, staring right at them.
"Okay yeah let's get out of here," Cato concedes, "can you walk?"

Clove just shrugs. Probably not. But there is no way she would admit defeat out loud. Cato wraps his arm more securely around her waist carefully avoiding her hip. She clings tightly onto his back, the fabric of his coat clutched in her fist.

They take a few steps forwards, her limp prominent. Pain sets her side on fire, new flames ripping through her each time she takes a step.
"Can we just stop a second?" Cloves asks breathlessly as they reach the door.

"Of course," Cato replies, "you sure you don't want me to carry you?" he adopts the same tone of voice he used to use when him and Clove would trade playful insults back and forth in 2.

A small smile tugs up the corner of her mouth and pride sets off fireworks in his chest.
"I'm sure. Don't think we really need 12 seeing that while I'm conscious. I'm assuming you're the reason I ended up in that hospital bed."
"Yep. You're welcome Your Majesty," Cato says with a tiny mock bow of his head.
Clove laughs slightly and says, "Okay peasant, help me out of this freaky room."

Cato pushes open the door with his free hand.
It swings open easily and hits the wall behind it with a bang.

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