Chapter 13

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Clove swallows dryly. She knows Cato is right. But what she really wants to know is: what was it that made Snow allow four victors in the first place?
Brutus and Enobaria whisper for a few more seconds, finally shutting up after a couple of harsh words from the latter.

"Clove, I trust that your stab wound is all better?" her words are kind but Enobaria's tone is riddled with disappointment.
"Much," Clove answers.

Brutus and Enobaria look between her and Cato before Brutus gestures to the empty seats, "Please, sit."
Clove and Cato sit down opposite their mentors, Cato staying as close to Clove as he can.

Thank god she's alright.

"Right, we need to sort out what story line we want to show Panem. Snow is no doubt pissed and we need to do everything we can to keep the citizens on our side. 12 already have the star crossed lovers act going but with what you two pulled in the arena finding another angle to play is going to be hard," Enobaria explains, her stare harsh.

Brutus has been nodding along, his gaze just as stony but he doesn't look that bothered about helping Clove and Cato survive the interviews.

"What do you mean 'with what we pulled'? We didn't pull anything," Clove says, her and Cato looking at each other in confusion.

They were ruthless in the games. They got more kills between them than any other tributes. And they may not have killed the two from 12 but the end of the games was announced before they could.

What could they have done that pissed off Brutus and Enobaria so much?

"When you two acted all lovey dovey after Clove almost got herself killed by that brute from 11," Enobaria answers.

Her words send anger crawling up Cato's neck. How dare she blame Clove for Thresh's actions. Clove is the most skilled fighter Cato knows and with her knives, she is unbeatable: she never misses. But Enobaria is making Clove sound weak like the tributes from the lower districts who are currently lying in wooden boxes under the ground.

"That wasn't her fault," Cato growls.
"Speak up boy, don't mumble," Brutus taunts, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
"I said that wasn't her fault," Cato repeats slowly. He can feel Clove's gaze on him but he's too busy glaring at their mentors.

"Regardless, you two acted too close to be able to pass it off as just partners who work well together. We have to really emphasise how close you two are. How you were more concerned for each other's lives than winning the games. I know it's similar to 12's strategy but you have given us no other choice," Enobaria interrupts.

"It will make you look weak but Enobaria's right, we don't really have any other options," Brutus adds, "you know that wasn't anything like the plan we worked out."

"The plan to intimidate everyone else? To team up with the other Careers? To kill everyone else and make it out of there as victors? That plan? Because I think we pulled it off pretty well," Clove speaks up.

Brutus and Enobaria are starting to get on her last nerve.

"You think you're victors?" Brutus sneers, "both tributes from 12 are still alive. That doesn't make you victors, that makes you the laughing stock of two. You let your emotions get in the way. I thought you were trained better."

Clove starts but Enobaria cuts her off, "I wish I could say that what Brutus just said is bullshit but it's true. Your emotions got you into this situation and they will get you out. But you have to play this just right. If you don't pull it off perfectly then you will lose the favour of the citizens and Snow's reasons for not killing you will plummet down to zero."

Cato and Clove exchange another glance before they both sigh. No matter how brutal Brutus' words were, there was no denying that they were true.

They had messed up.

They had failed.

With everything happening so fast, neither of them had had any time to properly reflect on what happened in the arena but now they realise they were careless.

They had failed.

They had forgotten that there were cameras everywhere, that everyone saw everything.

They were weak. And everyone saw.

They had forgotten that were always being watched.
They were careless and weak and despite training from the age of 6 to be champions, they had let the one thing they had always been taught not to have interfere with the games.


They both know they have no choice but to go along with whatever Brutus and Enobaria want them to do. Because their lives could depend on it. They're not safe. They may not be in the arena anymore but they still aren't safe.

Because out here, Snow could go after everyone they cared for. Parents. Siblings.
It's not just their lives on the line anymore.

So Cato sighs and says, "What do we have to do?"

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