Chapter 14

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Hours tumble by as the two mentors explain their plan.

Clove and Cato are not to act outwardly in love like the two from 12 are surely being instructed to do. No. The most they can do is hold hands.

"With what happened in the arena, we need to control this narrative. Yes you love each other. Yes you were more concerned for each other than victory after being faced with the reality of losing one another. But you are not weak. The Capitol know how deadly you are. They have just spent the last few weeks of their lives watching you brutally murder the competition. So you will not be sappy. You will not have hearts in your eyes and goofy smiles on your faces," is what Enobaria says.

"You'll probably screw this up too," is what Brutus says. He had had a few two many drinks before the conversation was even halfway done.

They are supposed to act proud for winning. Cold towards District 12 but not too cold. The citizens of the Capitol would go wild if they saw the possibility of a friendship between the two 'couples'. But it's also vital that they four of them aren't tied together.

The whole betting and donation system of the games relies on people having someone to root for. And so does this plan. If the four become friends then people will lose interest.

But with the two Districts visibly separated from each other, the Capitol citizens are able to choose which 'couple' they prefer. There will be arguments between supporters of 2 and supporters of 12. People backing up both sides.

People caring.

"I'm almost sure that that's why Snow ended the Games on four victors. I heard that there was rioting in the districts and in the Capitol streets. That there were angry mobs at Snow's gates. Bloody fights between supporters of you two and supporters of the weaklings from 12. So we have to keep that going. We can't let people lose interest in you," Enobaria explains.

They go over the plan so many times that Clove is certain that at least an entire week has passed since they started the conversation.

"So if Caesar asks-"

"If Caesar asks if there is anything going on between us I tell him a non direct yes and say nothing else unless he continues to ask me questions," Cato cuts Enobaria off.

"Good. And when you walk onto the stage-"
"We walk in waving but when we stop, we "discreetly" hold hands and then sit down. If there's a sofa then we sit close together and don't let go of hands but if there are two chairs then we let go of hands and make sure that the audience can see," Clove cuts her off this time.

"And if there are two chairs body language is important. You should be turned slightly towards each other, leaning slightly towards each other. It should be subtle but Caesar will definitely notice. Nothing gets past that man," Enobaria continues.

"I think we've got it," Cato says, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"You think you've got it? That's not good enough. You need to be certain. You need to know what to do forwards and backwards. You can't screw this up. You-"
"Yes we know. We are sure we know the plan. We know we have to pull this off. We're not little children, we understand how much is at stake here," Clove once again cuts Enobaria off.

She has had enough. Enobaria and Brutus have been on at them for what has to be hours by now and still don't trust that her and Cato understand.

Of course they understand. They realise that they messed up. They know that it's not just them that could be hurt if the Capitol lose interest in them and Snow decides to punish them for ruining the games.

And deep down, they realise that they aren't victors. That they won't be welcomed back in 2 as heroes. Because 12 should be dead. Should be lying in boxes, dead because of a spear to the stomach and a knife to the neck.

They know.

"That's the thing. You are children. You might be amazing with weapons and you might have made it out of the Hunger Games alive but you're still children. We know you understand how much is on the line here. But you don't understand what lengths Snow will go to to save face. He is not generous like you've probably been told. You humiliated him. And he won't let that go."

Enobaria's words wash away all anger that Clove and Cato were feeling and replaces it with-
They're not scared. They don't get scared. But they are confused.

For the first time, they feel like they have no idea what they're doing. For the first time, they realise that they have no idea what they are up against.

Cato looks over. Clove is chewing on her bottom lip, worry clear in her eyes.
He reaches under the table and grabs her hand. She looks at him and the corner of her mouth turns up.
She holds his hand back. No words need to be said.

They can do this.
Together, they can do this.

They're not alone.

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