11| Intruder.

17 4 0

Chris's POV

Walking out of one of my friends' houses, I start to walk down the street where I parked my car but being stopped by a girl running into my arms full of sweat.

The girl collapsed in my arms, but luckily I caught her and didn't let her fall. When I removed her hair from her face, I saw it's Mackenzie.

"Mackenzie, are you okay?" I say, touching her cheek and walking over to my car.

I laid her on my living room couch under a warm, soft cozy blanket. I wore a white shirt and my work trousers because I came back from work just before I went to my friend's house.

While watching the football game, Mackenzie finally lifted up her head.

"Hey, thought I lost you there," I say with a smile, her getting up aggressively like she thinks she's been kidnapped or something.

"Slow down, slow down," I say sitting her down again just to calm her down. She then recognized me immediately.

She stared at me, and that's when I saw clear tears running from her eyes. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and felt her warmth against my body.

I kissed her on the cheek and told her it's going to be okay and hugged her again. But as we're hugging, I feel her getting weaker. That's when I realized she fell asleep in my arms.

When I entered the room she was sleeping in, I could see that the balcony door is opened, so I walked over to it. "How are you feeling, gummy bear?" I say, walking over to her.

She looks like she's really enjoying the cool breeze in the air.

She turned to me, and we talked for a bit. She told me everything that happened, how she came across a thong underneath her boyfriend's pillow, and I immediately felt bad for her, so I hugged her again.

I immediately took her inside when we saw a flash on us like someone was taking pictures of us, and that sent shivers down my spine, and I haven't been able to think straight since then.

I took Mackenzie home, and just when I was about to drive off in my Jeep, I noticed her handbag still in my Jeep, so I got out and walked over the stoned pathway.

Her house looks so cozy, a suburban house. I knocked on the door, and she asks who it was, but I didn't answer for some reason, maybe I wanted to surprise her, but I guess that wasn't such a good idea because when she opened the door, I almost got stabbed.

"Gummy, what are you doing!" I say stepping back.

"You probably think I'm crazy," she says putting down the knife.

After a few minutes, I started going closer to her, our noses touching, and I felt her warm breath against my lips.

She just stood there in the doorway while my arms were wrapped around her waist, slowly going up to her face, touching her stomach, and a little bit of my boobs as well. It felt so amazing.

She just stood there doing nothing while I bit her lips. Then I felt her biting her lips and started kissing me back.

"Chris, we can't," she says and pushes me back, but something took over, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach growing a ton more than what they were, so I pulled her in again.

Touching her ass for the first time, I could feel my blood flowing through every inch of my body. I felt my boner start to grow, so I grabbed her and sat her on the kitchen island.

She softly pulls my hair to show me to go to her neck, and that's when I start to suck her up. I could taste her skin in my mouth, and my taste buds liked what they were tasting.

"You're so fucking beautiful," I say letting out a soft moan, and then I get pulled back, her yelling for me to hide.

I look back and see her dad just about to enter the house. She points to a powder room, and I ran towards it quickly.

In the powder room, I tried to be as quiet as possible and started to think what would've happened if her dad didn't show up.

She talked to her dad for a bit, but that's when I heard the doorknob rattling, and my heart dropped to the floor.

I don't know how she convinced her dad to go to another bathroom, but she did, and I went home feeling amazing.

I made sure to give her a goodbye kiss.

Laying on my bed, I start to go through Mackenzie's Instagram, and I start to get that feeling again, the feeling of just wanting to touch and love her because she deserves it.

While still watching the pictures, I start to doze off...


Waking up from an amazing slumber, I immediately start to think about the kiss Mackenzie and I had yesterday. Her lips are so soft, and let's not talk about her fat ass.

I probably slept amazing because I looked at her pictures before I slept last night.

If it wasn't for her dad coming in, we probably would've had sex, but as the gentleman I am, I'm glad it didn't happen because I'm not trying to make her do something she isn't comfortable with, even though she seemed to like it.

Stepping out of bed, I entered my kitchen, but something didn't feel right, something felt off, and that's when I turned my head and saw a guy sitting on one of my beanbags. A familiar face, I've seen him somewhere before.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house? How the fuck did you get in?" I say with a confused face, standing back against my kitchen cabinets.

"You're not asking the fucking questions here, I am," he says standing up with a knife in his hands.

He's wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants with black Nike sneakers, and what's weird is that he's wearing black latex gloves.

"So what the fuck was Mackenzie doing here?" he says coming closer with the knife still in his hands.

"Mackenzie, how do you know her?" I ask, backing off a little to the other side of my kitchen island.

That's when it hits me, the night on our date, the date on the 9th floor. He was the guy who came in and disturbed our date and made a scene.

"Are you the guy-" I ask, being cut off by a stab right in my stomach. I let out a loud moan as I felt the sharp knife exiting my body again.

I drop to the ground while he came on top of me and punched me about six times and then got up and left me to bleed on my kitchen floor.

This was the second time I've come across meeting with a knife, but the first time it was actually nothing, but now I'm laying on my kitchen floor probably busy bleeding to death.

I pressed my hand against the stab wound, and I could feel my blood strongly oozing from the cut, and I slowly start to lose sight of what's going on around me.

My left hand fell to my side, and then my head tilted to the left too, and that's when my vision started to blur, and it all went black...


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