Chapter 98 - Interim CEO

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"Alister!" I crossed my arms over my chest, watching my husband from a distance. He was speaking animatedly to a group of people, his hands gesturing wildly as he explained something. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him. There was something about the way he commanded attention that was both mesmerizing and powerful. He was so passionate about what he did, about his work. It was infectious.

It was sexy.

I knew that Alister was struggling, trying to keep the business from falling alongside Nexus Financials. Solarescent will soon be facing some financial difficulties, and I could tell that it was weighing heavily on him. But despite everything, he still managed to find the energy to be here, to be with his people, to make sure that they were taken care of. Even though he needed to take care of himself.

He turned towards me, upon hearing his name, and I felt my heart skip a beat as our eyes met. There was something so intense about the way he looked at me, as if I was the only person in the room, the only person in the world. It was a look that made me feel both wanted and needed, cherished and protected. In that moment, I forgot about all the secrets and lies swirling around us, and I just focused on him.

I walked over to where he was standing, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He let out a small laugh, leaning back into my touch. "Hey, you," he murmured, his voice low. "You're just what I needed."

"I've got some news," I said. "Not sure if you'll really think of it as good news."

He turned to face me fully, one eyebrow raised in question. "Oh?"

I took a deep breath before continuing, "Ecoluxe Construction sent in a representative during our meeting this morning. They promised to help, but there are certain conditions...they're expecting us to agree to."

"Nexus, right?"


"I hope you didn't agree with them."

"It's not official, but my parents have always had a good relationship with President Rokva. It would be rude not to accept his help."

"And it would be even ruder to forget I'm the CEO of a company that greatly depended on Nexus for financial help, in the beginning. I owe them for saving me, so I should save them."

What exactly was his definition of saving Nexus Financials? They've been a thorn in his side for years. But I couldn't bring myself to say that. Not yet. Not when we were still so uncertain about everything. Who's to say Ecoluxe is really just out to take over Nexus Financials for good? They can't support themselves with a company that will be using them as financial support.

I looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction. His expression was unreadable. "Well, Lucián and I are going to have to talk to them later. I understand that I need to be careful when signing anything."

He nodded, his jaw ticking as he considered my words. "I'll handle it. But you should know that I'm not going to let them walk all over you and Lucián. Or me."

"But don't you hate Lucián?"

"Calista, there's a time when you need to forget the past and prepare for the future. That time is now. For right now...Lucián and I are on good terms. After the authorities are finished raiding the company, I'll step in. We can go by again later."


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"You aren't saying that because you want something, right?" I squinted at him. "There's no way you just want to help."

He smirked. "You're not wrong. But you're not right either. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to hurt Lucián. I also don't want to see Nexus Financials fall apart. And I won't let anyone else step in and take what's mine. Not Ecoluxe, not anyone."

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