Chapter 113 - CEO York

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The boardroom was illuminated by a soft, golden light that filtered through the stained-glass windows, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the sleek cherrywood table. The air was thick with anticipation as the members of the Solarescent board filed in, their expensive suits whispering against the plush carpet. Each took their seat, their eyes fixated on the empty chair at the head of the table, usually reserved for Alister.

I was surprised to see the presidents of Greenway Shipping and Ecoluxe Construction. They each welcomed me, expressing their condolences for my loss. I was surprised to see an unfamiliar face. I was sure he was someone Alister knew, but I wasn't comfortable getting to know him. He walked up to me anyway, expressing his condolences and introducing himself.

"Director Vihaan," he said. "I work for SolarGrip. It's an honor to finally meet you, Ms. York."

"The pleasure is all mine," I said, shaking his hand. His grip was firm and confident, but not overbearing. "I'm glad you could make it."

As the meeting got underway, I listened intently as each board member spoke, expressing their admiration for Alister and their gratitude for his leadership. They discussed the current state of Solarescent and the challenges we faced in the wake of his death. They also brought up the issue of finding a temporary CEO until a more permanent solution could be found.

President Rokva and President Maharaj glanced in my direction several times during the meeting, their gazes assessing. I couldn't help but wonder if they were considering me for the position. After all, I had worked alongside Alister for while, being more than just his wife. I was familiar with the ins and outs of the company, and I knew how much Alister trusted my judgment.

Yet, I could name a few people who would be more than willing to take the position. They were hard workers. People who have been at Solarescent longer than I have. It's a shame they don't have a chance against me.

As the discussion turned to the logistics of finding a suitable temporary CEO, I cleared my throat. "I think we should consider Ms. York for the role," President Rokva said. "She has been an invaluable asset to Alister and the company. She knows Solarescent inside out."

I felt a rush of nervousness. "I appreciate the confidence you have in me," I said, "but I want to make sure we find someone who can truly dedicate the time and energy that this position requires. Alister left big shoes to fill."

"We understand that, Ms. York," President Maharaj said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "But we also believe that you are the best person to lead Solarescent through this difficult time. You have Alister's trust, and his vision. You have the respect of everyone in this room. And you have proven yourself time and again as a capable and decisive leader. We believe that you are the right person for the job."

My heart raced as I considered their words. The weight of their trust and confidence in me was almost overwhelming. I glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member in turn. They seemed so sure of me, so certain that I was the right choice. And yet, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Taking on the role of temporary CEO would mean stepping up as the CEO of Nexus Financials.

It was twice the work!

I couldn't deny that Solarescent was like a child to me. A child that had been entrusted to my care. But Nexus Financials was no less important. The two companies were intertwined, each dependent on the other for success. How could I possibly manage both effectively?

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that the Board's faith in me was something I couldn't ignore. I owed it to Alister, and to Solarescent, to at least try. "I'll do it," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I'll take on the role of temporary CEO for Solarescent. But I can't promise I'll be able to give it my all, not with Nexus Financials demanding my attention as well. I'll need your support, your trust, and your understanding."

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