4: The Choice

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The Black cells were a horrible  place where one could be forgotten  for weeks, maybe  years.

She sat in a corner, wishing she had a lockpick on her to pick the lock and free herself even though she know that, that would be counter productive in the great scheme  of things.

She clutched  onto her dirty and burnt dress, her eyes trying to adjust  to the darkness of the cell and to not see the line of skeletons chained to the wall across from her.

Were this Tamriel,  the skeletons  would be alive, she thought. They would try to kill me where I sit. A terrible  way to go.

She shook her head at that silly thought, remembering  that this is not Tamriel and she is not Caerly the Dragonborn anymore.

Yes, she remembered  her name, which sound much like Caelyra, though hers now had no r after Cae.

Caerly sounded more strange than her own name.

She smoothed her hands over her dress, wishing she could do something  about the state of the ruined fabric.

The sound  of a key in the door made her look away from the fabric of her skirt.

The person who stepped  inside wasn't someone  she expected to come visit her.

It was Rhaegar and he looked unhappy  as he strode closer, his arms moving to pull her from the floor and into his embrace.

"I'm  so sorry, love," he whispered  against her filthy hair.

She just stood there, not knowing what  to say to  make him feel better.  He had  been helpless to stop this. If he had resisted,  he might also be there in the cell and not as a visitor.

"Did you eat?"

She frowned.  Eat? No, she didn't.  Food wasn't  forthcoming in this place. She shook her head and it was his turn to frown, his dark brows scrunching together.

"Ser Jonothor!"

"Your Grace?"

"Bring the princess something to eat."

The white cloak at the door looked at them with pity as he said, "I am sorry, Your Grace,  but we were told to not let her eat anything. Nor have any water until her trial."

Caelyra felt Rhaegar  stiffen against  her. He probably didn't  know  that she was going to have a trial. When that would be, she didn't  know.

"But she is the King's daughter," Rhaegar argued.

"I know that, Your Grace,  but the order came directly  from the king himself. We cannot disobey his order."

Rhaegar  sighed. "When is the trial?"

"Three days from today, Your Grace. "

"And until then she is to starve? That is inhumane, Ser."

"I know, Your Grace,  but it cannot be helped. It was the King's direct order."

Rhaegar cursed under his breath before telling Ser Jonothor to go wait outside.

"Of course, Your Grace. Just be quick. No one knows  that you are here and the King explicitly said that she is to have no visitors."

Before Rhaegar  could say anything  to that, the Kingsguard left, closing the door behind him without  locking  it.

Caelyra  just stood there, feeling  awkward. Why did he even come? And why did Ser Darry let him in against  the King's  orders, yet won't  even get her food and drink?

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now