14: I Should Be Thuri

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Odahviing peered down at the foolish mortal man who was his Thuri's brother in this life.

A man who thought he could question him with such disrespect that Odahviing felt like he wanted to chomp down on his neck and eat him.

He did not do that, though. He did not want to break his Thuri's heart by devouring her family. Instead, he remained quiet and watchful, his mind going to his Thuri and the fact that something had happened to her to be reborn in a body that he did not know.

Oh yes, she looked similar to her former self, but there are glaring differences between his former Thuri and the girl she is now.

How it happened, not even the Old One could comprehend. He had thought that he had lost his Thuri for good when her presence disappeared from Taazokaan.

He had mourned her as he had mourned Alduin and the traitor Dovahkiin, Miraak.

He had feared that mayhaps she had been taken by one of the Daedra. But she clearly had not been.

He could've searched for all eternity, he had feared, and not have found her, yet here she was again. That he had not felt her rebirth was a mystery. That he had felt her sil reawaken was not, for a dovah are essentially immortal. Though, it had been a welcome surprise.

He will not question this boon from their father Akatosh. He will rather thank him for returning his Thuri to him.
If only she had been reborn as a true dragon and not another soft skinned mortal.

He blinked his large eyes slowly as the male mortal held up an egg that was quite familiar to him, though he had not seen it before. It reminded him of the eggs of his kin and he wondered where this mere mortal found it.

Though he could smell the dovah blood running through the man's veins, it was not as strong as his Thuri's and his sil was asleep and might never awaken. Still, it did not answer the mystery of the egg.

Where did he get it? And why was he showing it to him?

The man should be glad that he is a drake, were he a jill...

Odahviing mentally shook his head and lowered his snout to sniff at the egg.

The little dovah in the egg is alive, at least, that much he can tell by the smell of the egg.

"How do I hatch it?"

Odahviing wanted to growl in annoyance at the foolish mortal. Why must he share such a secret with him?

"Why do you want to know, mortal? Such things are sacred to my kind."

The human deflated, lowering his arms and pursing his lips, a look of disappointment in his eyes. Odahviing felt a pang of guilt, but shook it off. It was best not to encourage the joor mey, the mortal fool.

"My family used to be dragonriders. Then the dragons died out. Our dragons was our power and legacy, now that legacy is no more."

If Odahviing could frown, he would've. Dragonriders? What foolishness was this?

"I needs must hatch an egg and renew my family's legacy. I needs must return it to its full glory. So...please, I beg of you, help me. I cannot do it alone."

Odahviing stared, slightly aghast as the human fell to his knees, a hopeless look upon his face.

Why would the man be hopeless? Should he not hope instead? Hope is better than hopelessness. Without hope...He shook himself mentally. This isn't the time to think on such things.

"How have your family hatched eggs before, mortal? Should you not know it already?"

The man looked up at him. "There are many different methods. None has worked so far for my family. The Maesters says that magic has gone with the dragons."

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