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Caelyra smiled down at the newborn baby girl in her arms.

The birth had been long and painful, but in the end she had this special jewel in her arms.

Rhaegar sat quietly beside her, marveling at the babe, his fingers tracing the small pink toes that wiggled and curled at his touch.

He had been there for the birth, he had argued with the midwives for his place by her side. No Maester had been let in. He had refused them on her orders. They expected retribution later from their parents as well as the Lord Hand, though the latter really had no say in who attends Caelyra while she is giving birth.

"She is amazing," he whispered to her and Caelyra smiled even wider at the awe in Rhaegar's voice.

"Yes. A perfect Targaryen babe, so no one can say she isn't yours."

A rumor had been spread by someone that she wasn't carrying Rhaegar's child and of course her parents seemed to believe it. Thankfully, Rhaegar didn't because he know that she had been faithful to him like he had been to her.

"It doesn't count. They can just say that the babe favored you," he said, a sigh leaving him, the joy of the new life leaving him.

Caelyra looked at him. "Even if she looks like you?"

He nodded. "Even then. You and I are siblings, remember?"

She sighed, her mood souring also. Should he have married someone else, would anyone have disputed the fact that the babe is his? She didn't think so. It is the dislike of the court towards her that helped fuel this rumor.

"She is yours," she said with an earnestness that made him slightly  annoyed for whatever reason.

She need not try to convince him. The babe is undeniably his.

"I know," he stated gently, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

She looked down at the babe, a sad look upon her face. "Yet many won't believe it."

The annoyance made way for pity, something that he should not be feeling. Instead he should feel angry at the unfairness of the gossip mongers of the court.

He shifted closer to her, pulling her in between his legs , letting her lean back against him. "They can all go hang themselves. Rhaenys is mine. She has my eyes, and even if it's still too small to truly say so, she has my nose."

She smiled at that, though she didn't really like the name he gave their child. Rhaenys; like so many other Targaryen women in history, starting with Rhaenys of Aegon the Conquerer.

"Will you call the dragons to show her to them?"he murmured.

She frowned. Their father had been quite unsuccessful in his attempts to make her call the dragons. He had threatened her mostly because he thought it would work. Delusional, that is what he was.

She didn't care to be queen one day. She cared not for the silly iron chair that cut her father daily when he held court.

Of course, it wasn't her that would sit on it, but her brother-husband and he seemed to care much for that bloody chair.

Probably because of it being a "relic" of their house forged for Aegon the Conquerer. She didn't see it as such.

Threatening her that her marriage would be annulled, her father didn't realise that, that would give her the freedom to just leave and leave them all to their own ruin.

"They will come to see her if she is worthy," she replied, knowing that the dragons would come because of the birth of a new Dragonborn.

She could feel it in her very soul that Rhaenys is one. Rhaegar would've if his dragon soul was awake.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now