1:The Awakening

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A girl, barely into womanhood, let out a gasp, taking in a deep breath, her lilac eyes opening swiftly, her body moving into a sitting position on the large bed.

Body trembling, breathing quickly as if panicked, she sat there, her chin resting on her knees, her arms holding her legs tightly against her chest in comfort, though it did not help to alleviate the panic that made her heart thud uncontrollably in her chest as memories flooded her mind with no way to stop them.

Memories that was so vivid as if she had lived them before in a different lifetime.

A lifetime where she was not a girl who had been forced to wed her own brother in the traditions of her House Targaryen, the house of the dragonlords of old Valyria, a house that had long since lost their mounts, the embodiment sigil of their house, though they did not exactly have three heads; only one.

She swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling quite dry, her hands fisting the thin off-white  fabric of her  simple night gown.

In her mind, memories still flooded, causing her head to ache with intensity. She wanted to cry out, but...but she didn't want to wake the whole castle. Especially not the young man....her brother....husband, who slept soundly beside her as if there was no worries in the world.

Her breathing had thankfully slowed some, yet her heart still thud in her chest, the panic still there, yet manageable for now.

The same could not be said for her head. It felt like a blacksmith had taken a hammer to it, just behind her temples. It was a wonder she still had a head with how harshly the hammer hit her.

Forcing herself to move from the bed to a water jug and a goblet set on a table for her use by the servants was a bit difficult, her body not wanting to cooperate with her. Her legs felt all wobbly, and with the hammer in her head, a needle of dizziness had appeared, pressing down into her skull, making her eyes blurry and her head feel like it was being flattened.

It was a sensation she couldn't bear, yet she forced herself to move to the water jug. She needed it to get rid of the dryness in her throat.


She stumbled to a halt at the sound of her...brother's deep yet quiet voice, nearly toppling over.

"Caelyra, what are you doing?"

She swallowed thickly, her hands going to her throat as the dryness seemed to intensify.

She wanted to turn around and look at him, but the water called to her, so she forced herself to continue onwards to her prize, the soft soothing liquid goodness that would help quench her thirst.

She heard the bed creak and then soft footsteps coming towards her, following her to the water jug.

"Are you well?"

She didn't dare to look when a hand slid around her wrist to stop her in her advance once more.

She opened her mouth to say something, but no sound left her lips and she frowned at that. Why? Why could she not say a word?

"Caelyra..." The voice was soft... gentle.

She turned her gaze to meet the indigo orbs of the man she had known for all her life. The man who shared the same parents as she.

"Are you well?" he repeated, his hand gliding up and down her arm, soothingly.

She found herself shaking her head in the negative. No, she was not well. She could not speak.

She could not do anything and she didn't know what was wrong with her except for the memories of a different lifetime where she was a warrior woman, an adventurer who had, had a destiny to rival the old prophesies her brother put so much stock in.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now