20: A Problematic Affair

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Rhaegar moved his hips back and forth, slamming his cock into his sister-wife, pulling out only a fraction before repeating the action.

Though, his mind wasn't truly on the ready and willing woman underneath him.

It was with another tiresome council meeting that he had to attend and listen to the sure ridiculousness of the King's demands.

With the fact that Oahviing had taken flight already and had refused to take him with him. Durnehviir had gone with the crimson dragon, leaving only Krovenlovaas who had not wanted to fly to Tamriel.

With the fact that his father had been furious that he had not gone with the two older dragons.

With the fact that he found himself in a pit of despair....

He leaned down to kiss his sister-wife, his body still moving, giving her a smile that she tiredly returned.

He frowned inwardly when her smile didn't even light up her beautiful soulful eyes.

She too must've had a hard day also. A pang of regret stabbed him in the heart.

He should take some time and speak to her about her day more often. It's a shame that he doesn't know how her day had gone. He should try to take better care of her than he does, spend time with her and such. It would be good for them both.

He had always been close to her, protecting her and everything when they were younger. Well, not always. At times he didn't protect her. Not from the foolish courtiers, nor his father.

He shook himself mentally. It did not do well to think of the past like this while coupling with her. He needed to stay in the presence and do his duty; fuck a babe into her and all that.

He breathed in and out slowly, his body moving faster as he felt his release drawing near, heat coiling in his lower body like a dragon's tail, ready to strike.

He needed this release. She did too, he could see it in her eyes as she held onto him breathlessly and oh so tightly, her walls clamping around his member like hard iron would around a prisoner's wrists.

Except, no pregnancy has been announced as of yet, he thought, a bitterness overcoming him at the remembrance of his father's taunt that day..... Coupling had become a tedious routine. Especially with her.

He slammed that thought down, locking it away in another part of his mind.

He shouldn't be thinking like this. He don't think any whore in a brothel would relieve him from this tiresome fucking sessions. These sessions was for a reason. Something that had to be done. A duty that was forced upon them both by their mad father.

He swallowed and pulled out another fraction before slamming in harder and faster, his indigo orbs darkening in anger at this....

He sighed mentally. It cannot be called anything else but a forced coupling every bloody single night.

And with no bloody result, he thought, scowling down at the woman whom he had been saddled with for the rest of his existence in this world.

He loves her. Oh how he does. But not enough. Not all consuminglly.

She isn't his everything. It is a horrible fact that makes him feel incredibly guilty sometimes.

He would've loved to have someone to love with all that he is. Heart, body and soul...

His release came at that moment, throwing him over the edge, his mind stopping blank, all those thoughts about love and everything else just gone.

She followed him a second later, her head burying into his shoulder, muffling her quiet moans of pleasure. He felt a sense of satisfaction at having pleasured her well enough that she made a sound.

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