3: Fire

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Her body trembled as she found herself in her rooms, her breathing harsh and her legs feeling like they would break if she didn't take a seat.

Her heart beat fast and angry in her chest, her eyes wide with emotion as whatever was inside her bubbled up and up and up until she couldnt hold it back inside of her anymore.

She was blind to her surroundings as whatever bubbled up inside her sprang free, leaving her lips with a loud mighty roar.


Fire. Fire lept from her lips onto the bed, spreading throughout the room, the curtains, the rucks, everywhere.

And still, she was blind to it, her mind racing with what had happened at court and then jumping, bouncing to the memories of the other her, the girl fighting dragons and humans alike.

She could smell it, the smoke, the blood, the shit and piss, the rotting flesh. She could smell it all and it made her feel sick, oh, so sick as memory upon memory washed over her.

But not just that. No, her mind turned back to the throne hall where she had seen and smelled more than enough horrors to last her in this lifetime.

"...aelyra! Caelyra!"

She slammed back into reality with an awful thud, her knees hitting the burning carpet below her feet.

She sprang back up, her eyes widening in horror at the fire that raged in her room, devouring everything in its path.


She opened her mouth to call back, her throat suddenly burning with the smoke that she breathed in. She coughed and forced her feet towards the door. But it was no use, the door was already burning, the fire surrounding her completely, nipping at her dress, the skirt already on fire.

"Cael-No! Let me go, Ser Arthur. I have to save her. I have t- Let me go!"

She felt tears pooling in her eyes. This was her own fault. She should've gone outside where the fire could've done no harm.


I'm sorry, she thought sadly, wanting to scream and cry and kick herself in the backside for breathing fire in a room where there are things that are definitely not resistant to flames. For-

Something hard smashed against the door, the burning wood splintering and then without warning the sizzling sound as water was thrown haphazardly onto the floor by the door.

She found herself moving, rushing towards the door, ignoring the hot floor beneath her feet as she pushed forwards, her goal to get out , to find her brother and embrace him and then...and then maybe tell him everything, hoping that he wouldn't think her insane.

More water were thrown into the room, by the buckets full. Even herself were doused as she rushed through the splintered doorway, her body colliding with her brother's a mere moment later, a cry of surprise leaving his lips.

They held each other tightly, their bodies trembling with the adrenaline and fear that had consumed them.

Then he suddenly, without warning, kissed her, a hunger in him that she never had been aware of before.

She found herself kissing him back, but only for a few hot minutes, her lips melding to his.

When he finally pulled his lips from hers, he looked at her, his indigo orbs searching for whatever reason across her face and body.

"I'...m...f...ine," she said slowly, not used to sentences. Not used to speaking two words at a time.

He swallowed, his eyes pinching at the corners, and nodded. Even as he did so, he still looked her over. She did not fault him for it, accepting his care without protest.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now