22: Someone Unexpected

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The days after the birth of Aegon were euphoric. It was as if her father were upon a high cloud without the darkness of Sheogorath's cursed madness muddling his mind.

Caelyra, though, doubted that it would stay so, but she didn't voice it because even Rhaegar seemed quite joyful at this turn of events. She didn't want to burst his bubble.

Like Rhaenys, she kept her babe close, fearing that the Lannister girl would try and murder her son.

It wasn't for naught. Guards had found a wetnurse that was hired to kill him. She was burned for her troubles by the Mad King without anyone getting the culprit behind its name.

Caelyra had been furious because of it, but had calmed herself fairly quickly, reminding herself not to show her anger lest she heard she was as mad as the king, though mad, the king wasn't right now even if he ordered the burning of a wetnurse.

Days became months quickly and it was Aegon's first nameday and another tourney were to be held for his and Viserys's namedays that were quite close together.

Viserys wasn't happy to share the nameday wishes of the realm with his nephew, but a five nameday boy has no say in such a matter at all.

The Queen wasn't happy about it either and she was quite vocal to Caelyra about it, blaming her as if it is Caelyra's fault. Not that it was, really. The small council had decided the event to save coin.

Rhaegar and Caelyra understood it and accepted it. Though, Caelyra wished that she could anywhere but in the city during the tourney.

Rhaegar had become distant again for the last two moons of Aegon's first year of life, burying himself in his books and scrolls and coming from the Dragonpit sometimes with a fearsome scowl.

Krovenlovaas hasn't let him fly with him yet and it had become quite frustrating for him.

Caelyra tried her best to sooth him, but him distancing himself from her made it difficult.

He had even stopped sharing their bed at times and she didn't dare ask where he slept because she already knew that he was in his personal library that not even the Maester was allowed into.

She had gone to find him there once, finding him face-deep in scrolls with his usual friends stuck around the room, one particular one glaring at her in her intrusion of Rhaegar's private library.

She had acted as if she didn't see him, Jon Connington that is to say. She cared not for his petty grievances against her as she had walked towards her brother-husband's side to peer at the scroll, a forgotten memory of a grumpy old orc telling her that he would hang her by her entrails if she so much as disrespect his precious books.

Ah... how she missed the good old times.

"What are you reading?" she had asked Rhaegar and he had made an off-handed comment that it wasn't anything she would like to read about.

It had hurt her and Jon Connington's smug smirk had irked her. She hadn't stayed long after that, leaving Rhaegar to it and wishing like so many times now before that she could fly away with Odahviing that haven't returned yet.

She visited Krovenlovaas against Rhaegar's wishes that day, holding a long conversation with the young dragon in Dovahzul.

Krovenlovaas seemed to appreciate it very much and had offered her the chance to fly with him. She declined it, stating that Rhaegar would be unhappy with them- mostly her, but them both nonetheless.

Krovenlovaas didn't understand her reluctance, telling her that he could choose who he flew with. It was his Bormahu-given right.

She told him that Rhaegar would not see it that way. Krovenlovaas let the matter lie, changing the subject, speaking of his want to visit the North and see everything that was there to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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