7:The Ultimatum

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Delicate hands rubbed soap over smooth skin to get rid of the filth accumulated  from the days spent  in the black cells as well as the soot from the fire that  should've  killed her.

Beside the bath, her brother.... husband  sat on a chair, reading one of his numerous books, an apple hanging limply in one hand while the other held onto the book perched on his lap precariously.

Now and then, he'd  look up, his indigo orbs watching her for but a few seconds before turning back to the written words of the book....or seemed to since he turned no pages.

She ignored him, still feeling  bitter at the way he had disregarded her words. Just like the rest of the Small Council, including her father.

If Targaryens had dragon dreams, why is it so hard to believe her when she is one of them?

Either way, he was charged to watch her and an ultimatum  has been given that made her stomach churn just thinking about it.

In two moons turn she should be with child if she wanted to live.

In two moons turn she should  have bedded her husband  every night, all night, if she wanted to produce  a babe.

She was to have no moontea to stop that from happening.  Rhaegar  had been patient from the moment of their first coupling.

She had not drank any moontea, ever. But it seemed that her father and the rest of the Small Council believed that she did and Pycelle,  that old fool,  had lied and said that he had been giving her the tea each time.

The betrayal on Rhaegar's face had hurt. He believed the old man, something he didn't  usually  do.

"I..."she began, but trailed off when he looked up, his eyes narrowing at her and his lips pursed into a thin line.

"I'..m...I'm thirsty," she blurted and wanted to kick herself for it. That was not what she had wanted to say. She had wanted to tell him the truth, that she didn't  drink moontea, that she–

"You can have a drink of water once you are clean," he stated stiffly and she wondered if he would  ever feel anything but disgust for her.

Yes, he must be disgusted thinking that he had been trying to put a babe in her for their protection  against  their father and she just....she just undone his efforts with moontea.

"I..." She swallowed thickly,  her lips feeling sore and chapped and her throat burning. "I ne..ver dra..nk moon...moontea."

He gave  an exaggerated sigh and snapped the book shut. "Well, forgive me  for not believing you, Caelyra." He placed the book on a table that held towels and other things and stood. "How do you explain the fact that you did not get pregnant after we coupled so many times? How do you even explain the servants bringing the tea to you? "

He lifted an eyebrow  at her and hummed when she didn't  answer to those accusations. How could she when she know that she never had any moontea, unless–

"What if someone  slipped  me the tea?"

He stood, his indigo eyes darkening with anger. "That's  preposterous  and you know it, Caelyra.  You just want to blame other people for your mistakes. If you would just own up to them."

"But I never did drink moontea.  Please, believe me? I promise  you I–

"Enough!"he cried. "I don't want to hear your lies anymore."

He swung around and stormed away and she couldn't  help but feel her heart squeeze tightly inside her chest.

It hurt. It hurt so bad that he didn't  believe her. The one person whom  she had always trusted. The one person  she loved and had been  forced to marry, but she had accepted  it, she had accepted  that he would have to impregnate  her to give her a child that she could teach the Thu'um to.

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