19:What A King Wants

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To say that the return of the dragons didn't cause a bit of chaos was a lie.

Caelyra wondered often in the days after their arrival in King's Landing if it was such a a great idea for them to have come.

They had taken up residence in the ruins of the Dragonpit that had been reclaimed by time and nature after the last dragons died out more than a hundred years ago.

It was a sad truth that Targaryens had killed their own legacy because of a war between themselves.

The first time she visited the pit was a week after Rhaenys's birth. Rhaegar had visited them earlier than that, coming back with all sorts of things to tell her.

About how their father had tried to mount Durnehviir and how the dragon had refused him. It had become a sour point to the king who had become worse in his madness.
It wasn't the last time that he would try to force his will upon the Tamrielic dragons.

She had tried to tell him that they are a different breed of dragon than the ones her family had, had before. He accused her of wanting the dragons to herself.

Delusional as ever, he was. She could just see the hold of old Sheogorath tightening on him with each passing day. It made her feel sick.

She told Rhaegar about the Daedric Prince of Madness and her suspicion that he had a hold on their father. Rhaegar who knows nothing about the Daedra seemed not to get it at all.

As far as meeting with the dragons goes, they had marveled over her baby daughter and Odahviing had told her that Rhaenys will be as strong a Dragonborn as she one day and that her soul was not asleep.

Rhaegar had been quite unhappy at that, raging about how unfair it is that his soul was asleep and that she, nor the dragons, wanted to help him awake it.

She still didn't know how to help him. She said as much to him. He didn't believe her and called her selfish.

So, she took him to see Odahviing and begged him to help her to help Rhaegar.

The dragon told her that he would ask Paarthurnax. That he would soon fly to Tamriel and speak to the Old One.
It satisfied Rhaegar for now, but she was certain that he would be arguing with her about it again soon enough.

Meeting Krovenlovaas for the first time was strange. He was a different shade of color than his sire. A rather brilliant shade of bronze mixed with dark brown. Durnehviir said that his mother sported the same colors.

The young dragon was quite talkative and it seemed that he had taken a liking to Rhaegar of all things to Odahviing's chagrin. The old crimson dragon had tried to stop his young kin from meeting his Thuri's brother to no avail. The young dovah liked meeting new people.

It seemed to have soothed Rhaegar some; knowing that at least one of the three dragons liked him.

Of course, Krovenlovaas was still learning and didn't have as much knowledge of all things dovah as his kin. Though, Odahviing liked to act like there was many things he didn't know, Caelyra was sure he was lying and she believed that it was for a good reason, so, she didn't ask him about it.

Of course, the arrival of the dragons brought the Citadel down upon them as well as the Faith, who tried to push them into chaining up the three dragons like dogs inside the pit.

Maesters coming from the Citadel wanted to study them, even if it meant hurting them by taking a scale here and a long nail there.

One particular brave one almost got himself roasted for his trouble by Odahviing. It had made the king cackle madly when he witnessed the flames.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now