5: I Am Fire, I Am Ice, I Am Dragon

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She stood there, her whole world feeling like it was going to crumble.

How can the man who sired her be so cruel? How can he want her to take the lives of three innocent common folk who must've been starving to actually steal from the food stores?

And how can he want to kill her if she don't? How can he force such a choice onto her? Their lives for hers, or hers for theirs. There should be no choice. There can't be... because once she is dead, he will burn them anyway and her life would have ended for nothing.

"Fa...ther, pl...ease," she found herself begging, her voice raspy still because she had not used it as much as she should have. Who was she to talk to in the black cells anyway?
"Pl...ease, do..n't ma...ke me do th..is?"

He snorted, a glint in his eyes that she had seen so many times before in the past when he held a trial like this one, though this one wasn't much of a trial.

"Obey me, girl. Make your choice, or I shall make it for you."

"I ca..n't do th...is," she said shaking her head. "I...I do...n't kn..ow h..ow I did it be...fo..re."

"Nonsense, girl. Do not lie to me. You breathed fire like a dragon, so be a dragon, by the seven hells. Be a fucking dragon!"

Her body began to shake. She is not a dragon. She is a human being with the smooth and soft body of one.

But my blood and soul are- No! I am not her anymore. I am not Caerly the Dragonborn, vanquisher of all evil foes. I...I am Caelyra, daughter of the Mad Dragon of House Targaryen. I am -


She blinked back into reality, her thoughts fading into nothing as she found herself once again on the floor. How did she get there? When did she fall?


She tried, she really tried to force herself up, but she couldn't, she just couldn't.

She wanted to cry and beg the gods to take away this bitter cup she had to drink from, to take away her humiliation at the hands of this madman she called "Father".


She pressed weakly with her hands on the floor, forcing herself up onto all fours like a dog, wishing, begging that no one laughed at her as her arse was up in the air.

Her arms trembled and shook as she tried, oh, she tried to force her upper body up from the floor....

But it didn't help. It was useless. She just couldn't. She just....couldn't.

"Oh for the love of....UP, I say!"

"Father, please let me help her," she heard her brother....husband say.

"Silence, boy. Girl, if you don't get up now, your choice will be no more. You shall die with them."

She felt wet fat tears rolling down her cheeks. She wondered where....where did she produce them from when she had, had nothing to drink these past days?

"Fa...ther, pl...ease," she begged, as a sob, a horrible sounding gasping sob tore from her. "Pl...ease."

"I said, Up! NOW!"

She cried, sobs just bursting from her as she tried again, one last time to get up , just one last time and then...then she would try....try to obey him and....and...

"Ser Gerold, get her up and put her with the others," her father said, his condemning words striking fear into her heart, fear because she know that what was going to happen next...won't be pretty.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now