17: The Conjured Dagger

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To be back in King's Landing wasn't something she wanted.

The snake pit was still the same, full of scheming courtiers and a mad man who polished the throne with his arse.

The small council meeting at her and Rhaegar's return was very much not pleasant as her father wanted the dragons and she was told to give them to him.

Unfortunately, she had to decline and tell him that the dragons would only come when she called them and her Thu'um did not work properly that way. She seemed to slowly get back her ability which was troublesome at best.

Her father screamed and threatened to kill her like a spoiled child when she denied him the dragons.

The only thing that stopped him was the babe growing inside her. The babe that would be a true Targaryen because of her and Rhaegar both being full blooded Targaryens.

Rhaegar had already chosen names that she didn't like, but as the future King, he had the right to choose. He had also informed her that she would have to birth two more babes after this one because of the "dragon must have three heads" motto of her family.
She thought it utter madness.

He would name their children after the Great Three, the three that brought the Seven Kingdoms under one rule. She didn't want their children to carry that burden. It broke her heart just to think of it.

As the first days of their return to King's Landing turned into weeks and eventually months, she grew heavy with child and found herself sometimes unable to leave their rooms.

It was days like that, that made her feel like she could just call for Odahviing and fly away.

But she didn't. She obeyed her husband's demands of her staying in their rooms when she felt unwell, or whenever there was a small council meeting that might turn into a blood bath if she attended it on the behest of their father, who still wanted her to call the dragons.

As for the dragons, they were silent and she only heard a few whispered words amongst the court that they have been spotted, flying high in the skies of Westeros.

Rhaegar told her one night after an intense coupling, that they had made Dragonstone their home.

They oftentimes spoke about the dragons. It had become quite tedious to say the least, yet she couldn't fault her brother for wanting to know more.

He had brought three eggs with him and had hidden the rest. He had not told her where and she didn't ask him about them.

Sometimes he questioned her again and again about hatching them and she could only give him the same answer.

She was eight moons along when she was finally allowed to see her mother, who was with child once again.

Her mother looked radiant and happy, though there was an undercurrent of fear and worry.

"You have an heir and a spare, Mother, why torment yourself so with another babe?"she asked as they had lunch in her and Rhaegar's rooms.

"Because I want more children, Caelyra," her mother said, sipping some berry juice that was to be a substitute for the wine that her brother was currently drinking as he silently listened to their conversation. "And I am not allowed to drink moontea."

Caelyra bit her bottom lip to keep herself from saying something that would be seen as treasonous, her hand gently rubbing her protruding belly.

Rhaegar believed the babe to be a boy; she knew better. She would birth a girl and Rhaegar would name her Rhaenys after the most beloved sister-wife of Aegon the Conquerer. Should she actually birth a boy, he would be Aegon.

Caelyra: Sister-Wife and DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now