11. Babee

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Tanya's pov-

I came to mall to do shopping but there is some drama going on here, they both are shooting glares at each other since 10 min and almost everyone around here is intmiated, I wish earth swallowed me right now.

"Ahm ahm! my icecream is done" I spoke to break their eye fight, finally they came back to their senses. "Ok I'll leave, bye monkey" Shoury said side hugging me "bye Shoury, let's meet again sometime".

After he left and got out of our site I immediately unlinked my arms with Aditya's and walked away, well for him, he followed me like a lost puppy.
"Tanu, Tanu, Tanya stop why are you angry at ME, Ain't I should be the one who should be angr at right now?" He softly yelled following me.

"And what in the world did I do to make YOU angry?" I asked him walking onto him "I am not angry at you" he replied looking down.

"Then? Wait its about Shoury, God! you seriously made that guy feel so intimidated, that at one point he almost shivered, you were shooting your dagger glares that- you scared him away "

"I am just jealous of him" he whispered

"What? come again."

"I was jealous of him, OK" he said that loud and started to walk away.

"You aren't supposed to walk away." I made him turn back by his hand "You too walked away"

"Cause you literally made me wish  earth to swallow me because of your eye war"

"I am sorry" he said softly like a baby, I melted right away "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gotten that angry"

"Why are you? You had total rights to do it"

"So did you, you too had total rights to get jealous"

"No I behaved like a kid, totally red flag, really toxic" I chuckled and took his hand.

"Beastie! If you are red flag then then the guy who block thier girls for months just because they saw a guy just standing beside her, they really would be lava, you are the green forest."

"Still I am sorry I scared your friend away"

"if you say sorry once more I am really not going to hold your hand for rest of the day"

"ok ok I won't, just don't do that" now he held my hand back gently but tight as possible.

"Well technically this our first fight" I said walking to the store.

"No it isn't, it was just some miscommunication, misunderstandings."

"Ya, and they led us to fight"

"Not fight just an argument"

"Argument is fight"

"No it isn't don't make our bond toxic by stating some kind of fights" he said looking away

"Acha I am making our bond toxic ok" I said leaving his hand.

"Are I was just pulling your leg don't leave my hand" he suddenly pulled my hand towards him and I hit his rock solid chest, we were centimetres apart. I stepped back in an instant cause we were in public.

"Pagal" I said at his face and rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes in public you are too sexy" What the hell! I blushed like a red rippen tamato.

Aditya's pov

At footwear store

Every other thing to get is done, dresses, jwellery, minimal house decor etc she bought everything for both families as gift, though I said her to not do it she's adamant about buying. Finally I convinced her to not atleast get footwear cause sizes might be wrong but she is stubborn that next time she'll note everyone's sizes.

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