22. Are you insane!?

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Aditya Pov-

I reached Raos to meet Tanu I honked a couple of times but she didn't come out, no one came out. So I decided to go in. I rang the bell Isha opened the door looking tensed and gloomy "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I frowned, she didn't say anything "Come in." She invited me in. Everyone looked tensed were on there phones calling some one, I looked Tanu she was still in her night suite she was panicking, she threw her phone on the couch beside her and sat on it, her hands ruffled her hair, she fell back and growled in annoyance. 

"Hello!" I greeted holding glass of water in front of her "Hey!" She got up quickly and hugged me "Hey Night! Everything alright?" I asked making her sit on couch "No Pranu didn't come home since yesterday, I asked at her college she actually didn't go to college and she is not in her friends house too." She felt apprehensive, Even I am too now "Did she tell you anything?" She asked "No, she didn't say anything to me." I answered "I am scared. What if something happened to her?" She panicked "No princess nothing would happen to her, she will be alright, she a clever girl." I tried to assure her. 

Karthik came to us "You found her?" Tanu asked "No she isn't anywhere." Karthik got frustrated, everyone was negative with any information. "Hey guys I checked CCTV and look" Ivan showed us the laptop, It showed footage of Pranu leaving the house with RITHIK with some big bag in her hands, they walked to the car, Rithik took bag from her and smiled at her and she smiled back folding her arms, he kept that bag in trunk and they drove off. 

Tanu marched to Manjusha "Where is my sister?" She asked "What Tanu?" Manjusha looked nervous "I asked where is my sister?" She clearly stated that there is no room for discussion but Manjusha didn't dodge "See Tanu I don't know anything, why would I know anything about Pranu?" Manjusha nervously chuckled "Who would then, Your son took my sister somewhere in the car." Tanu yelled "Manjusha even though you made my life nightmare in one period of time, I gave all respect you and every privilege you should get as my husbands sister and daughter of his house but you know I loose my calm and kindness when it comes to my daughters. If anything wrong happen to her then I am not going to spare you or your son." Pavitra aunty warned. 

"Why do you all always blame me and my son for everything? Your younger daughter loved my elder son. They are in a relationship since 1 and half year. Who knows what she rubbed onto my son?" Manjusha told "What do you mean they are in a relationship? Pranu never liked Rithik." Tanu was in disbelief "That's what she acted because you all don't like me or my son." Manjusha spoke "Stop lying! One month before she told me she likes a guy." I warned "The guy she likes is Rithik, Even I didn't knew it one month before." Manjusha answered "Ok if they are in a relationship than you must know where they went right." I asked her "Well you all believe it or not, they both eloped together, the bag she is carrying has all her gold and cash Tanu has in her room, you can check if possible." She was confident, Kiran uncle went upstairs to check. 

"Pranu would never do that, why would she do that?" Tanu dodged "Because Tanya will you and your mom will really accept my son as your sisters boyfriend because Rithik is my son, your mom hates me. Everything she does is for reputation, Aditya is CEO of a company, his family is in a highly reputed position, you marrying him earn her profit but Rithik is normal guy and if Pranu marry's Rithik her reputation will be at stake- in society, also in family because everyone don't like me. Right Pavitra vadina?" She raised her eyebrows "Stop making up things Manjusha everyone here knows I don't even care about my life if it's about my daughter." Pavitra rose her voice "You know that but does Pranu knows it because your focus has always been on Tanya because she brought this family to this position, because Tanya went through all that misery, because Tanya needs to move on and because Tanya needs someone it's always Tanya since she is the reason you came up. Not only for you but to everyone in the family because Tanya needs all the attraction, she wants sympathy." Manjusha reasoned "Oh will you please shut up Manjusha we always treat our kids equally and you don't have lecture about parenting to Pavitra." Sankalp nanu lashed her, meanwhile Kiran came down "She is true Pranu's jewellery is all gone and Tanya's locker is also empty" he informed.

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