23. Fell first!

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Aditya POV-

After police went away it took time for Pranu to set up, she still had fear but not more than before. I believe time to time she will get better Pavitra aunty, Tanya and Mom were constantly with her in her room. 

They came out of the room after Pranu got better, I signalled Night asking if everything is ok she gestured a thumbs-up "Pranu I know this is hard for you but if you are ok than please to talk us, narrate what actually happened." Karthik tried, she looked terrified but Tanu pressed her hand, No she didn't forgive her, she had a plain assurance, she is still upset but her love for her sister is at heights above that. 

Even if it took a couple of minutes Pranu gathered her courage "Rithik blackmailed me that if I don't come with him he will kill Isha and Rivya and also create a drug scandal in the school I wasn't afraid of him at that moment until he showed a video me a man holding snipper from far away towards them both and somehow he did sneak drugs into school I thought that I can trick him and then tell about everything to akka but I got know that he was stalking me since 1 and half year, he knows everything about, my favourite food, my friends, the things I do, the teachers I have, the places I go, he know every single thing and somehow he had hacked all my devices, everything was under his control, when I tried inform you in person but he had his men in home as 2 servants, he hacked over your cabin CCTV and also had employees there, even in school he had his men everywhere my family and friends visit including Karthik too, it was like he had control over everything, so there was no other option rather than giving him whatever he want, I was helpless."

"He said that I have to go with him making it look like I am going on my will with jewellery I have and also with money in Tanu akka locker. Somehow I stole his phone and did that morse code thing. After we crossed our housing community he drugged me. When I woke up I was in a basement room of somewhere I don't know, he tried force himself on him but I fought hard then he gave up and told me that one day I can't stop him I didn't understand what he is aiming for but it did scare me, I was drugged  of Midazolam bottles constantly from moment I hopped in his car, each bottle for every 6 hours which made me sleep for whole 36 hours the next thing I saw when I woke up was Karthik was infront of me with police. I felt safe but also scared that what happened in that 36 hours." she gulped and continued "It scared hell out of me thinking we were living with a sociopath, he was observing everything. For a moment I thought I lost you all. Mumma...." her voice broke "I am scared I was so unconscious that I will not even know if h-he ra-raped me....?" she cried in Pavitra aunty arms, that poor little girl had nothing to deserve this, Night was breaking apart we couldn't see our family like this. Night ran out of the room with tears in her eyes, she was scared by him too. Why wouldn't she, he held hostage of her sister, disgusted her with his gaze and words, was stalking her sister and had CCTV watching in her office and was was watching over their family constantly it is too much for these sisters to take in single day?

"I know your both relationship is still a talk in the family but for now Pranu needs you more, you are allowed to be with her and take care of her." I said to Karthik loud enough for everyone to here and I know everyone agrees with that too. I walked to balcony to her my leg got better with the time it wasn't as hard as Night worried about . 

She was staring at the sky sniffling "Hey Night!?" I called her, she turned crying her eyes out she paced to me and hugged me "Hey shhh... It's fine she is ok I am here." I tried to calm her but it didn't help "Why this has to be me, my family, my loved once always Adi. It feels like I bring bad luck too everywhere I go, I know it. Last week we were so happy, just yesterday it felt like a dream to us and today I almost lost my sister. What did I even do to deserve everything. I feel scared to be happy Adi. It feels like being choked limiting my every happiness." she cried out

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