26. Baby shower

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Aditya POV-

"I told you to come pick me up at 10:30" Night yelled at me "Yes Honey I know but you we talked till 3 in the morning. It was hard for me to wake up." I reasoned "Was that my fault?" I mean it is both's fault but I am a wiseman and I know how to be alive while being her boyfriend "No baby it is my fault, it was my mistake I shouldn't have asked you to talk to me that late." I spoke "So now you are taking all blame on you and making me look bad" she complained "Who is looking us and When did I" I was about to say something but she cut me off.

"And what do you intend by that 'I shouldn't have talked to you that late' huh?! You don't want to talk me. I get it I am falling for you right.
that's the reason you are taking me forgranted." forgranted seriously how could she even think that "Forgranted! Seriously Night?! How did even strike to your mind" I am furious "Oh am I not. You are not like before. You'll know when I go away from you- When I disappear from you life." she blabbered "Enough" I raised my tone, not a yell but enough to scare and intimidate her, we reached the venue which is her friends home, so I hurriedly pulled over at a spot "Don't you ever say that again Night. You can't imagine how the thought of you leaving me can make so dangerous. I won't let you go away even if you want to that's not going to happen, especially not in this life." I remarked, she looked scared at that "Do. Not. Yell. At. Me" she yelled and went away slamming my car's door. Good. Now she is going to give cold shoulder for rest the event.

Today is her friend Shrushti's baby shower and yesterday night we slept late because we talked till 3 in the morning as mentioned and now we both are late to the function actually on time as mentioned in the invite but Tanu wanted to come early and now she is all this moody.

She can blame me for everything as much as she want but she just can't say that she is forgranted for me, she is anything but forgranted, she is foremost priority, she is the first thought when I wake and last thought when I go to sleep. I wish I could fuck the life out of her and show that how important she is to me. No Aditya you can't do that not now.

I saw Tanu near Shrushti as soon as I walked in, she was all smiling, laughing, giggling which made me happy I just wanted to stay still and admire her for whole day or whole life. "Hey Aditya." I heard and looked in the direction of that voice it was Shourya "Hey Shourya." We shook hands and it started getting awkward, Why it wouldn't after all that stare game So I spoke up "Hey I am really sorry for that day. I shouldn't have intimidated you so much"

" Ya I am really sorry too. It was total immature of me." He apologized back "And Congratulations." I said "Oh Thank You. Why don't you join us. The ladies ritual is going to start soon, which will take atleast half an hour, I made a simple arrangements for us too." he invited and I followed him.

He took me to the pool side a small hangout place. It had a only mocktails drink counter and that's it, I mean it's only thing in men's party so- best as it is.

"Aditya meet Rudransh- Poonam's husband and Yash- Mahira's husband." I shook hands with them "Guys this is Aditya Tanya's Boyfriend." Shourya introduced me "Ok so you are miracle guy huh!" Rudransh said what?! I was confused "Sorry you are quite famous in Tanya's friends and Tanya dating someone is actually a miracle. So hope you don't mind." Shourya explained "No it's facts spoken. I guess I made a miracle happen but please could you not call me that again." I said "Oh sorry we will not." Yash spoke and we carried on with the stuff.

Tanya POV-

How can someone be so hot when he is scaring, God I wish I could just jump on him and make out with him, No you can't do that Tanya. As much as I am flattered by him is as much as I am angry on him "Do. Not. Yell. At. Me." and then I slammed the door on his face, now I am not going to talk too him for rest of the event.

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