Chapter 6

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Becky's POV

It was already 12pm when I woke up the next day,luckily it was weekend so I didn't have to go to work. I have been coiled up in bed since after Irin left yesterday.

I hardly got some sleep because I kept thinking all through the night which explains why am still hurdled up in bed by this time of the day. I pushed off the blanket and got out of bed. I have planned to spend the whole day indoor as I didn't feel like going out. Besides we are going for shopping the next day with Irin which is why I thought it will be good to have a day of my own.

I walked into the kitchen, made some sandwich with a cup of hot chocolate coffee and marched towards my favorite chair which was close to the window with the most unique view.

I sat down sipping my coffee and zoned back to my conversations with Irin yesterday. she had advised me not to worry too much about the future and just try to focus more of the presence and be sure to enjoy it. I knew she was right but I just can't help being afraid.

I spent the whole day thinking, watching and doing some researches. The next day came too quickly to my annoyance.

I didn't like going for shopping with Irin, she was like a shopping freak and we practically have to go round and round the whole shops trying to find just a particular thing that would suit her taste... ARGG... I hate it, but I didn't think I have a choice. aww.. am just so stuck up with her for the whole of the day...


I was hyperventilating when I got to the office on Monday. I tried hard to calm my nerves but I still kept fidgeting and as luck will have it Ms. Freen wasn't in the office at all for the whole day. As much as I was relieved it also got me wondering.

The next day was also similar, she had many schedules yet she wasn't in the office and no one knew her whereabouts. I started getting worried hoping that no harm had come to her and that she is OK...

- Your innocent author P.D

TO BE HER BURNING PASSION [Freenbecky]Where stories live. Discover now