Chapter 10

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Becky's POV

We got into the guest room and my mouth hung open. "it's beautiful" I said while letting my eyes walk their way around.

It has a large king size bed at the center of it, with High thick pink colored curtains matched with the pink colored center carpet. I noticed a huge wall drop with a medium size mirror at the other end of the room. "do you like it?" She asked and I nodded. "it's beautiful" I said again. She seems to have liked what I said by the way she kept smiling from ear to ear.

"I will let you shower and bring you some clothes to change in before we go shopping tomorrow" she said while walking towards the door. I nodded and walked into the bathroom which was equally very beautiful.

After showering. I came out of the bathroom and met a pretty nightwear on the bed.

It wasn't like anything I had ever seen. It has tiny straps on it, a little diamond side glass placed around the v-neck line and a slit just below the dress. I dressed and got in to bed but I couldn't sleep right away. I kept thinking about how she is finding her way into my heart until sleep stole me away...


I groaned as I felt the light ray hit my face the next morning. I groaned again. I have had a wonderful night rest and now I didn't feel like getting out of bed but when I was about going back to sleep. I heard a knock on the door and then came in Freen.

"Morning sleepy head, you've got to wake up. it's already past 10am" she said as she walked towards me with a dress in her hand.

"Morning"I said to her while getting out of bed. she layed down the dress on the bed and told me to get ready,that we had a lot of things to do since it was Thursday and tomorrow Friday would be the day for the party. I nodded and told her I will be out in some minutes.

After she left. I hurriedly went to shower and got dressed. The dress looked so good on me, it was as if it was personally made for me.

I walked out of the room towards the dining hall where I knew I would find Freen, she said we have to take breakfast before leaving but we will be having lunch out and maybe dinner as well since we might be coming back late.

I greeted Martha and Anong as I entered the dining hall and sat next to Freen. After breakfast, we all talked for sometime before Freen and I left....

"Well I was hoping to show you around Morocco since it's your first time here, will you like me to do that?" she asked while looking at me.

I nodded and said "I'd love it" and she smiled. She took me around to so many breathtaking places, the park. the zoo. the waterfall and all. it was so fun and lovely that I immediately hugged her out of joy but quickly pulled away feeling awkward.


We had lunch at a nearby restaurant where she also got me my favorite strawberry ice-cream from an ice-cream joint and we proceeded to go shopping...

I sighed and shook my head. We've been shopping for almost 2hrs and yet I haven't picked anything simply because she had practically packed all the dresses she've come across. Even if she sees me looking at a dress, she will just take it along and add it to the ones she had packed. I scolded and asked her not to but she turned on a deaf ears and I got tired to trying to stop her...

By the time we finished shopping, she had taken so many dresses that had almost got me scared. I advised her to return some but she insisted that she must buy them and I sighed in defeat.

We got home late in the evening and I went straight to my room.

"Hahaha did you hear me say my room? Well uh even I myself took myself by surprise, calling the guest room my room, well it's practically my room since am staying in for now"...

When I got in. I threw myself on the bed. I was so tired but it was worth it, the day had been fun and eventful. I smiled at the memory and got up to shower. Immediately after showering I got into the blanket. I needed sleep. I needed sleep so badly and I didn't have to worry about dinner coz we've eaten out.

I layed quietly in bed and closed my eyes willing myself to sleep but instead I kept smiling to myself as the memories of what happened during the day came flooding back to me and with that I slept..
The story is just beginning guys !!!!!😜
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-Your innocent author P.D

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