Chapter 19

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Author's POV

"What do you think you are doing?" Nop yelled widening his eyes in shock.

"I just want to make myself clear" Freen shrugged and moved closer to Nop intimidatingly.

"Now listen up. I know this might sound lame but Becky is mine,she is with me and when I say that I also mean that she is off limit, do you understand?" she raised her eyebrows in an affirmative way.

"So this is what this is about?" Nop chuckled and crossed his arms.

They stared at each other for some time before Nop broke the silence again. "Well Freen, I hate to break this out to you but Becky is not yours, not yet anyway, you haven't claim her which means that I could still have a chance. It is only right if am the one to have her her heart is mine before it can ever be yours and Iam assuming you have no knowledge of her undeniable crush for me back then, to which Iam pretty sure that she still do now. So all Iam trying to do is to wake that feelings she has in her for me because I most certainly feel the same way for her now". by the time Nop finished his mini speech. Freen was as hot as a volcano ready to erupt, she threw him a sudden punch and it landed gracefully on his lips causing it to bleed.

" I won't say this again Nop, stay away from her" Freen threatened, but Nop flashed him a sadistic smile.

"I don't respond well to threat Freen and incase you haven't noticed this is just the beginning". With that being said he stormed out of Freen's office.


Becky's POV

I had been restless ever since Freen dragged Nop to her office, being able to hear them talking but couldn't make out exactly what they were talking about.

I kept contemplating if to follow them in and stop any incident that might occur if the need be but was too scared to intervene. I shot out of my seat when Nop stormed out of Freen's office and became more worried seeing that his lips were bleeding.

Rushing after him. I called for him "Nop please wait, I need to talk to you" I begged him to stop and he reluctantly stopped. "what's wrong? What happened to your face? OMG you are bleeding." I muttered in panic and moved towards him with the intent of cleaning off the blood but he pushed off my hands, shook his head and left.

I stood there for more than 5minutes in total surprise of what just happened, when I turned to move towards my desk, my eyes landed on Freen's who was watching me and leaning at the door arm crossed. I drag my eyes away from his and sat down on my seat feeling lightheaded.


A week after what happened at the company. I hadn't seen or spoken to Nop yet and I kept hoping that all is well with him. We continued all our works peacefully without any drama at all.

One sunny afternoon. I was sitting at home watching one of my favorite TV show (A walk to remember). I was too engrossed in watching when I heard a knock for what seems like the second time.

I walked towards the door only to find Nop standing there when I opened it. "what are you doing here?" I asked while I stood there looking at him full of surprise.

"Nice to see you too" he said sarcastically. "And you going to let me in or you just going to stand there and keep staring at me?" He raised his eyebrows in question and I mentally kick myself for having been caught staring.

" Oh Iam sorry, please do come in" I muttered shyly. He went straight in and sat at the coushing where I left him to get a cup of coffee for him at the kitchen. "here" I said passing the cup of Coffee to him which he took before muttering thank you.

We sat there watching the show in complete silence but my mind wasn't on it anymore. I kept glancing at Nop from time to time wondering about any reason to why he is even in my house at that moment. He shifted in his seat noticing that I kept giving him side way glances. It seems like he was nervous too but I wondered why?.

After some time, he turned around to face me. dropping the cup on the table. "I know you are wondering why am here at this hour, it's nothing too serious just that I needed to talk to you. Am so sorry I walked out of you the other day. I was just too angry at what Freen did, I'm sorry Becky" he said looking at me with eyes filled with regret.

I look up to match his eyes and said it was OK but then he took my hands in his and said the words that I have never anticipated to hear from him.

"I love you. I really do love you, please believe me". I could feel my eyes burning with tears, because I have always being the soft kind of girl so it was easy for me to feel emotional but I kept it in and sucked a deep breath.

" Iam thankful Nop but Iam also sorry towards you because Iam with Freen now". I apologized to him remorsefully.

- Your innocent author P.D

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