Chapter 14

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Becky's POV

"Come back here" I screamed as I ran towards Freen with snow balls in my hands. we were having snow ball fight that Saturday and it was absolutely her fault.

I woke up feeling refreshed that Saturday morning and it was still snowing since from yesterday, and as much as I love snows. I didn't feel like doing anything.

So I decided I would just shower and lay in bed while I read some books. But apparently Freen seems to have another plan of her own for me.

After I showered and layed in bed. I brought out the book I wanted to read but before I could even start reading, she boosted in to my room acting too innocent for me liking.

I narrowed my eyes looking at her suspiciously and trying to figure out what she was up to ,she told me to get up so we could go downstairs that she had something she wanted to show me. At first I wanted to argue but I thought better of it.

I got up and followed her downstairs, the moment my feets climbed down the last stairs I felt myself lifted up into the air by Freen. I struggled to get down but ended up being a futile effort, so I let her take the lead.


As soon as she stepped out of the door. I felt myself mercilessly thrown into a huge ball of snow. I screamed but my scream was muted when another ball of snow hit me right in my forehead.

I glared at her but she was too busy laughing hysterically to notice me glaring.

Using her distraction. I made a snow ball in both hands and threw it at her. It hit her straight in the mouth which made hee froze in surprise causing me to boost out laughing...

I jumped happily and triumphantly but my victory lasted only for some seconds as two snow balls flew towards my direction.

I ducked one but the other landed gracefully on my head and that was how we ended up having snowball fight.


The cold was getting too much so we got back in. I went to the kitchen to find Martha trying to make breakfast and I offered to help her we made sandwich, cupcakes, pancakes and coffee, by the time we were done, Freen and Anong were already sitted and waiting for breakfast....
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-Your innocent author P.D

TO BE HER BURNING PASSION [Freenbecky]Where stories live. Discover now