Chapter 17

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Becky's POV

Sitting opposite to Nop and having a cup of coffee at a shabby looking coffee shop that mostly sold caffeine, Nop had invited me to have a cup of coffee with him and I accepted it just for old time sake.

At that very moment we were having flashbacks on how our lives use to be back in high school. I burst out laughing when he told me about how he had tripped and fell into the pool on his first time to prom.

He stopped in the middle of his sentence as he watched me laugh, "I've always missed the sound of that laugh Becky" he said matter of factly and I stilled but he continued as if he hadn't said anything too serious, to prevent the tension that was already starting to build up in me.


We continued talking about so many things, it was very funny and we laughed a lot. I stood up to take my leave after many hours had passed but he suddenly held me by my arm and engulfed me into a hug.

I was completely taken aback and when he let go, he caressed my face, put a strand of my hair behind my ears and walked away, leaving me standing there like a new made statue.
The impact of what he did was huge and I couldn't take it out of my system.

I got home with the thought still craved up on my mind. I couldn't help wondering what exactly made him do what he did. it wasn't like we've ever shared anything Romantic between us back then in school. I wasn't even quite sure if he had ever noticed me, so why? Why would he even want to do that?. unnerving. It was so confusing and unnerving.

Author's POV

"Calm down man, am sure it's nothing like you are suspecting, so just calm down" Noey tried to calm the slightly crazy Freen down.

"Calm down?" Freen glared at her. "how can I possibly calm down? How can you even tell me to calm down in this situation? Someone is hitting on my woman right under my nose and you tell me to calm down?... Bullshit. just tell me what you think I should do but not to calm down" Freen yelled out while poking Noey on the chest...

Noey sighed heavily, she knew Freen was overreacting but still, she have to help her out. "OK. how about you go talk to her? Ask her to tell you about her relationship with Nop. you can't just conclude everything by just the look of it, so try talk to her and hear her out OK?" Noey advised looking at Freen hopefully and Freen nodded in agreement....


Nop walked majestically into the company with a bouquet of white Rose flower in his hands. he was looking dead handsome and all the women in the company were busy drooling all over them as he walked pass by  while Freen was in her office sorting out some files, the rift of the office was open this time around, enabling her to keep seeing Becky from time to time as she continue to work.

Becky's POV

Nop approached me hiding the bouquet of flowers behind his back and stopped right in front of me. "hi kate" he greeted handing me the flower. "wow thank you, they are lovely. but how did you know that they are my favorite?" I inquired looking at him surprised. he gave me one of his smiles and said 'I knew everything about you Becky, you just didn't know".

I stared at him dumbfoundedly," who is this mysterious guy right in front of me?, the more I thought I knew him, the more I figure out that I didn't, but why is he acting this way? Did he ever knew that I had a slight crush on him? ". Millions of questions kept popping up into my mind.

Freen had been watching ever since Nop's grand entrance into the company and how he had walked up to Becky and handed her the flowers with the smiles and all.

Se began shaking in rage as she kept trying to think of any reason that could possibly bring Nop into the company when he didn't have an appointment apart from his clear written desire to flirt with Becky. She was burning in rage by the time she stormed out of her office...

-Your innocent author P.D

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