Chapter 25

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Becky's POV

Immediately I exited the company. I stopped a taxi and asked the driver to follow up Freen's car. I knew exactly where the cafe lies but I wanted to follow up her tail incase if she decided to change the location.

After signaling the driver to park a little further away from where they were. I got out of the car and hid behind the nearest car to where I was that can give me a clear view of what they were doing from where they sat in the cafe.

I couldn't make out what they were saying but I could clearly see the public display of affection as they talked, ate and laugh.

Heidi shamelessly took a piece of hankie, using it to wipe her mouth gently. That little act had stung me deep in the heart, more painful than the sting of a bee. I clenched tightly to my chest letting the pain sink in.

Just then Freen took her by her arm, led her to the dance floor and began swaying to the melody of the music beating slowly in the cafe. That wench had stolen my moment, that was suppose to me there not her and it hurt seeing her lay dancing in Freen's arms. They danced and waltz for sometime, then suddenly came to a halt and look upon each other's eyes.

I swallowed hard, trying very hard to swallow up the humph that had seems to dry up in my throat.

"No this isn't real, it's not what am thinking. It can't be real" I said to myself, trying to make myself believe that I was just imagining things. but what I dread happened. They kissed and scattered my heart to pieces.

I fell on the floor unable to stand on my now jelly-like legs. My world crumbled right before my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. At first I sob silently, but I couldn't contain it any longer and sol let out a piercing cry. I cried in deep agony, not knowing exactly what I was feeling right there.

"Here". I heard someone say as a piece of hankie was stretched towards me.

"I know that voice. but I hope it wasn't". I rose up my head only to meet up Freen's gaze with the stretched hankie in her hands beside her was my formidable opponent Heidi looking down at me as well.

"Gosh, embarassment wouldn't even begin to explain what I felt". I slowly got up like a broken kitten ignoring the hankie she was offering and slowly turned, readying myself to leave. I was trying to leave in other to prevent any further embarrassment and humiliation that may be finding it way to me.

As soon as I turned to leave, my arm was held by Freen while she goes on saying "where do you think you are going to? Since you followed me without my permission, I don't think you can leave without my permission as well. So now that you are here, we should go in".

She signaled Heidi  with her eyebrows and we all walked towards the cafe that now looks too close for my liking. I didn't want to go in. I even dread to think of what will happen once I get in but I don't I have a choice either.

We all sat quietly, daring each other to break the silence with our eyes. Irin suddenly came into the cafe, walked towards us, drew out a seat and sat beside me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "what are you doing here?" I mouthed to her but she ignored, making me more confused.

Freen cleared his throat and began. "Now that we are complete. I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag but first Becky I would like you to meet Heidi my...". "yeah, yeah, your new girlfriend" I spat at her, making her chuckle.

TO BE HER BURNING PASSION [Freenbecky]Where stories live. Discover now