Chapter 22

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Becky's POV

"Come on Becky, you know how much I love you, we really need to do this. I have been waiting to do this. Please let me" Nop said letting his hands roam down my body and into my top with an attempt to cup my breast but I pushed off his hands.

He had been trying to persuade me into sleeping with him but I have no intention of giving in or changing my mind. I have always been the religious kind of girl, even back in school I was much of a nerd and not the boys type.

He kept trying to get what he want and I kept pushing him off after several attempts of trying, he got pissed off and let me go. I tried to explain to him that I wouldn't do anything that would contradict my believe or anything my parents had taught me.

It may sound lame but I honestly want to keep my virginity as a gift to the most luckiest man on earth that would have me. He didn't even listen to me and left angrily.

I wasn't worried at all or bothered about his anger. I thought he would be back after he cools off and when he is back to his senses so I let him be.


The next day was weekend. Saturday to be precise. "Yaahoo" I woke up happy with the
thoughts of spending the whole day alone and enjoying myself, but my happiness lasted only a few minutes before Irin came into my apartment yelling at the top of her voice, singing one of her favorite song no more blues from  GAP the series.

I closed my eyes and exhaled sharply. "this certainly wasn't on my to-do list" I sighed. She stood in front of me twisting and doing the backsliding move.

"Irin for crying out loud how many times am I going to explain to you that Saturday is a day for me alone? My own personal day and you ought to have known by now" I scolded her. sending daggers of glare to her.

She shrugged and sat on the couch beside mine. "girl, we are going to rock this night, so get ready we will be going to party tonight" she said happily.

"No we are not" I resorted and she glared at me.

"Hell yeah we are" she shoots back daring me to argue. I knew that dare-say-no look she was sending my way so I quickly succumbed to her without further argument.


At 7pm dot,Irin was already at my place all dressed in her miniskirt and crop tank top, the night would be cold so I settled on black leggings, white top and a black leather jacket.

We went out to meet Rishi, one of her hook-ups who came to fetch us for the party. "this is so gonna be a long night" I said to myself.

The music was blaring at the highest volume that could deafen one's ear when we got in but nobody care about the loud blasting music that was threatening to Pierce the ears.

There were random Men and women in the club. Some were dancing, some were drinking themselves to death some had their girlfriends giving them the strip lap dance while others were munching and suckling on each other's lips, romancing and so on.

I crunch my face in disgust, I don't usually party. I have always been the lowkey type so I don't go into partying and all. I relaxed a bit noticing that some were just sitted, looking and chatting within themselves.

I turned to Irin who was by far miles in to the dancing world she and Rishi were dancing their heart out to the music blasting in the club. I looked at the glass of wine in my hands afraid to take a sip for fear that it might have been spiked.

Suddenly  I felt strange. I felt something zeroing on me and making my eyes wander in search of what had made me feel uneasy.

My eyes landed on the drunk Nop making out with a hot Blondie. They were too engrossed with their kissing, lips sucking, spit swallowing to make out a single thing around them.

I felt betrayed and bailed my hands in to a strong fist then matched towards them in anger. Irin must have noticed me going there because she was already at my back before I knew it.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"I yelled at him harshly, feeling the heat that burn from my oesophagus down to my stomach.

I didn't love him. I know, but it hurt me to think that I had been trying to give my heart to this douchebag.

He look up at me in his drunken state and chuckled. "You can't be really serious Becky, you think I really love you?" he stopped and let out a harsh dry laugh. "no I don't love you, I have always wanted to get into your panties since from school. I mean, you are hot, beautiful and sexy. so who wouldn't?, but you had always been a nerd in school. only caring about books and that was why I didn't approach you back then, but you are still naive, just like you have always been" he chuckled in his drunken state not caring about the attention of people he had brought upon us.
See Nop is really a jerk ,I personally never liked Nop's character tbh , what about you guys ?.
Poor🥺 Becbec in search of gold she left the diamond. (Don't forget to vote and comment)

-Your innocent author P.D

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