Chapter 16

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Becky's POV

I came out of the taxi in a hurry to get to work but suddenly heard someone calling me from behind.

I turned around in a flash to see who it was, only to find Nop my high school crush looking at me gleefully. I know it's surprising to hear me say crush, well I did had a crush on him but not too strong a crush. I mean. can't a normal high school girl have a crush on the most handsome guy in school?

Yeah it was normal and I did had a crush on him but with all that had been going on in my life, it didn't take long for me to end it. So now here he is standing right in front of me much more handsome than he had ever been. He had his hair fixed into a coil he also had suits on and from all indication he was ready for business.

I let my eyes shamelessly roamed all over him.

"Done checking me out?" he asked making me snap out of my thoughts and cleared my throat.

"Hi Nop" I managed to sprout out. "Hi Becky" he said, giving me that smile that steal all the girl's attention back in school with all the two sided dimples popping out.

I shooked my head and regained my posture. "It's been quite a while Nop,what brings you here?" I asked him trying to figure out what had brought him around.

"oh Becky you look more beautiful and sexy" he said, ignoring my previous question and I blushed but quickly masked it.

"Iam being serious, you gotta tell me what you are doing here" I ignored his compliment as well.

"Oh Becky you wound me deep, can't a guy come check on his girl?" he said while holding his heart dramatically my eyes widened as I took in what he had just said he chuckled at my expression.

"Chill Becky, I'm just kidding. anyway am here to meet the president of your company. I heard you work here and I think we should go in now else we might be late" he added looking through his watch...


I received a call from Miss Freen's office asking me to bring in the chart for today's presentation that she has a meeting with Nop in 5 minutes.

I hurriedly walked in to the meeting room to find Nop with two other clients sitting across each sides of the table. Since I got into the meeting room. Nop had been staring at me and watching all my moves.

I went straight to Miss Freen and handed her the chart but seeing how her face mold into a frown. I think she had also noticed Nop staring at me but she let it go and continued the meeting while I left...

After the meeting Nop walked up to me and handed me his hand for shake and I took it. "it's nice to meet you once again Becky. Iam really happy to see you and I will love to grab a cup of coffee with you some day", I nodded in response. he let go off my hands and walked away.


Freen at her office had been pacing up and down. catching Nop staring at Becky had hurled up her anger and now seeing her shake her had done nothing more than boil up her anger even more.

She hissed as she remembered how she was also smiling at Nop too. She knew she was overreacting but she loves her and she can't help being jealous. She couldn't even concentrate on her work anymore,she rested her head on her desk and released a frustrating breath.....
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I know I know it's too late that I wrote this chapter now as I was kinda busy with text ,exams and all academic stuffs you know.
So kindly forgive me , I'll try to keep y'all updated but not sure if I'll do it regularly...
Bear with me guys ....!!!:)

- Your innocent author P.D

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