Chapter 21

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Becky's POV

She met me coming out of the lift, held my hands and dragged me to the roof top of the company.

"Are you cheating on me with Nop?" she yelled unbelievably.

"And so?" I mumbled out not even sure that she could hear me well. "and so?" She repeated what I said looking at me with disbelieve. If my short words had hurt her, she did a pretty good job ignoring it.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him Becky? What are you doing together with him?" She asked silently looking at me in the eyes trying to read me up and check for any sign of lies that might come out of my mouth.

I threw my hands up in the air exasperatively. "For heaven sake Freen, I don't think I owe you any explanation and if there is anyone I must stay away from then that should be you". I watched her eyes widened in shock.

"What? Did I do something to you? What is the matter?" She asked coming closer and trying to hold my arm but I held my hands up to stop her midway.

"Don't touch me. the only thing that is wrong is us, we are wrong and Iam going to make everything right, so I think we should be over".

All the color of her face drained, she opened and closed her mouth randomly not being able to bring out a single word due to shock.

"Did Nop ask you to do this? What lies did he feed you up with?" He managed to cooe out.

"Who is Heidi? "I asked out of nowhere causing her to drag back in surprise, she opened her mouth tried to talk, tried to explain but couldn't.

Seeing the hesitant on her face I shrugged, "nothing for you to know then" I shuttered and walked away trying to leave but stopped midway to the door and turned around to look at her one last time.

I could see her eyes screaming betrayals, screaming for me not to go and come back to her, but I couldn't go back now this is both for our own good.

We are not made for each other and it is clearly written. It hurts me so much that Iam doing this, I have come to love her too but Iam scared, Iam so scared that I think am going crazy.

It is a cowardice act I know, but it is way better to hurt now than in the future when the love is all stronger than ever.

I sighed and walked through the door. feeling a prick of tears run down my face in speed.

Author's POV

She stood there immobiled, stuck to the ground and rooted like a tree, iced with snow in the winter days. She couldn't quite explain what just happened they were always OK, hell they had been okay up until a day before yesterday because they didn't get to meet yesterday, and yet nothing ever came between them. so why now?.

She can't even figure out what happened exactly, everything just happened so fast, it was all blurry. like one minute they were here and the next minute gone and she didn't even get a good explanation from her for just turning her life upside down.

She cursed and punched the wall close to her. This is so absurd she felt betrayed, played and something she couldn't quite name, she loves her so much and she thought she do too.

She brought out a little black shiny box which in it lies a very beautiful glittering diamond ring she had bought and had been waiting for the right time to propose to her and now this happens. She exhaled briskly and put back the box into her pocket, got up and walked back to her office looking pale.


Noey was lying on her sofa when she received a call from an unknown number telling hee to come pick up Freen at the CRU Champagne Bar in the Phatumwan. She rushed over only to find a very drunk Freen cursing and yelling. Noey furrowed her eyebrows looking at Freen weirdly.

"Hey Freen come to your senses, what is wrong with you?" She shook Freen vigorously but Freen was by far out of her senses to bring out any sort of response.

She kept shuttering somethings that can not be heard with human hearing ability.

Noey moved closer to help her up but she got up and slumped down got up and slumped down again. Noey got irritated and threw Freen on her back to piggyback her. She managed to call up the taxi and went straight to Freen's house.


Freen woke up the next day feeling nauseated. sick had a churning stomach and a killer headache.

She winch as she remember how much alcohol she had drank the night before, she managed to get up from bed and made herself some handover soup to help her sober from the impact of the alcohol.

After she had sobered, her conversation with Becky came flooding back to her, she couldn't take her words off her mind.

"How could she do this to me?" She asked herself for the tenth time feeling the great pain that had cascaded down her heart.

She sat with an unenthusiastic slouch thinking about all the Happy times they had together.

Is this the end of Freenbecky?.Our Becbec made a wrong decision don't you think 🤔 poor freenky 🥺 ( Comment down your thoughts below)

-Your innocent author P.D

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