Chapter 18

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Becky's POV

I watched Freen as she approached us angrily. I did knew this was going to happen if Nop continued with his charade. But I didn't know that it will happen way too fast she stopped right in front of us with her eyes blazing red.

I shivered in silence as I felt her take my hand in hers trying to take me away from there.Nop wanted to intervene but stood still when he received a threatening glare from Freen.

Freen dragged me to the roof top of the company and released me with force, I stumbled but luckily regained my posture.

"What is this about Freen? Why are you angry?" I asked feigning ignorance, but she glared at me .

"What is your relationship with Nop? Why is he here too often? Don't forget that you are with me Becky, you are mine".

On hearing her say that. I smiled silently, she was jealous and I was absolutely enjoying her unhidden jealousy it was sweet seeing her get jealous over me but I stood there looking at her amusingly without uttering a word and from all indication my silence was unnerving her.

"Becky?" She warned and I cleared my throat "calm down. there is nothing between Nop and I, we had only known each other from high school and now he wants us to be friends, that's just its nothing for you to worry about". Freen sighed visibly and sat down at the pavement.

After some moment of silence she look up at me "You need to stay away from him, Iam not certain if being friends with you is the only thing he wants but Iam not taking chances so please make him stop coming close to you OK?" she said matter of factly and I nodded...

Nop had already left by the time we got back to the office, he left a note on my desk saying that he will be coming around some other time. I shook my head, realizing that the storm isn't going down anytime soon...


Author's POV

Some days later Nop stood at the front of the elevator in the company, waiting for it to open so as to go up to the fifth floor where Becky's desk lies.

Unfortunately Freen just arrived to the company and was about to go up to her office too she met Nop standing in front of the elevator and joined him, not long after she stood beside Nop the elevator opened and they both went in....

"I don't remember you having an appointment here chris" Freen broke the silence.

"And I don't need an appointment to be here Freen" Nop shrugged.

Freen could feel her anger rising but she was determined to keep it abay she forced out a smile and said "very well but then what is your purpose of coming here? Since it's obvious that you are not here to see me". Nop hesitated for a moment but then replied " Iam here to meet Becky the secretary at the fifth floor".

Freen bailed her hands into a fist realizing that she is having a hard time keeping her anger abay. Just when she was about to say something next, the door of the elevator opened and Nop went out.

Freen who was burning with anger punched the elevator out of rage and followed Nop out of the elevator to see what he was up to.

On Nop arrival to Becky's desk, out of the Blues he gave her a hug. she twirled in her seat in surprise and gasped on seeing Nop hugging her from behind. "what the.... she started but before she could continue, a punch from Freen came flying at Nop, hit him on the face and Freen dragged him by the collar to her office.

- Your innocent author P.D

TO BE HER BURNING PASSION [Freenbecky]Where stories live. Discover now