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I received a call from Uncle Ted a few hours after I left the hospital. They were able to see the oncologist. Cons and Pros of the treatment were discussed to them. Just like how I told the intensivist, "do everything that you can..." is what his parents told the doctor. My mind is still not clear. It's been wandering somewhere else for some time. I sat and soaked myself in the shower.

"I think child you should sleep. We'll call you back again for updates. You've given too much already...." said Aunt Melissa.

I called my supervisor that I won't be able to come for work. Luckily, she understood.

"But Addie, you need to report for work tomorrow. There'll be no OIC for morning shift," she said firmly. I agreed.

I began to fall asleep...

At 5PM, I came back to the hospital for the last lap of visiting hours in the ICU. I was able to see him again. Like the usual, I brushed his hair with my fingers.

"How are you?" I whispered.

Beep. Breathe.

"I hope your answer is you're doing fine..."

"I took a bath already after more than 24 hours..." I said, laughing, though trying to wipe away my tears.

"I know what you're going to say...don't you dare..." I know I might sound stupid with all the crap that I am babbling to someone who's asleep. I touched his hand. They're still soft as ever. His face is as smooth as before, except for the growing beard and mustache. I was looking at his face, analyzing the details and I closed my eyes to let down the tears.

"Drake, I need to go. I need to see my supervisor..." I said. "Please wake up...don't do anything stupid while I am not around..." I murmured. Again, I kissed his forehead and left.

After leaving the ICU, I saw his mom along the hallway. She's alone. Maybe Uncle Ted went home to change. I took the seat next to her. She looked at me, halting her attempt to sip some from coffee.

"Addie..." she said and she gave me a light hug. "You went to visit him?" she asked and I nod.


Moments later, she gave a deep sigh. I looked at her and asked if there's a problem.

"I will miss the boy who gave the biggest smile on our faces the day he came..." she said sadly. I held her hand.

"Addie, can you keep a secret?" she suddenly blurted out. "Yes, of course. Anything for you Aunt're like a mom to me..."

"Yeah, you too, you're like a daughter to me and to your Uncle Ted..."

I wonder what she wanted to tell me. She looked beyond the building and the horizon in front of us. She tried to compose herself and finally she said, "Drake...our Drake...he's an adopted child..."

I listened as she began to start the story about a girl named Samantha.

"I used to have a sister. Her name is Samantha. She's the youngest daughter. Our parents likes her better than me. But that didn't made me feel jealous about her. And who will not love her...she's smart, beautiful, opinionated, very sweet, loving...I guess all the goodness were showered upon her," she said. She paused for some time.

"But like any story, her love story is forbidden...she has a boyfriend before. His name was Michael, if I'm not mistaken...they were the happiest couple I've ever seen. We used to cover up for each other..."

I listen quietly as she continuously tell the story of her sister. I didn't know that she has a sister.

"Dad didn't like Michael at all. For him he's an intruder that will only use Samantha to dig in to some money..."

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