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My first week was really awesome. I got a few patients. Some are just referrals. I wonder why these past few years, brain tumor among pediatric patients are very common. As early as 9-10 years old, they have brain tumors already. I feel pity to these kids and also to their parents. I used to visit kids at the 8th floor, since it is the pediatric unit. The nurses there were awesome. They are the happiest people I have ever seen. Despite their heavy workload, they still manage to smile, laugh and have fun. I know that it's hard on their part to get attach on these kids, they can't help it. It's difficult. It has been their routine to be with them. I know it would hurt their feelings if one of these kids will die soon.

I was sitting at the nurses' station. I began scribbling my notes and orders. A nurse named Casey approached me regarding a clarification of order. She follows the orders. She understood. A very smart woman too. I don't know why I like smart women. Anyway, I'm so focused to Dr. Ross. Casey was sitting next to me. I can't help it but ask.

"Casey," I began. She responded with "yes?"

"Do you know Dr. Ross? The neurosurgeon," I began.

"Yeah. Yes. Of course..." she replied. "Why Dr. Lewis?"

"Nothing..." I lied. Of course I wanted to found out something about her.

"Did she also gave you her stubborn attitude?" she asked. As if she can read my mind. I looked at her. I closed the chart.

"She used to be a good friend of mine...10 years ago, doctor..." she said while jotting down her notes.

"What happened?" I asked curiously. So they've been friends for 10 years...well...back then I mean.

"She was a nurse before. She's one of the best nurses here in pediatrics. All the doctors love to work with her. She works fast and has a good assessment skill...she was once a model employee...most of the kids love her...she's a very lovely person..." she said. She paused. She sit back and rest her pen. I am so interested to hear the next sentences that she will tell. I listened attentively.

"She used to be the happiest person I've ever known despite the fact that she grew up without her parents..." she said.

"What happened to her parents?"

"They died in a car accident. She was an orphan at the age of 17 I think...she worked so hard to be on top most of the time..." she said. Her eyes were sad.

"Who's with her then?"

"She used to have a best friend since childhood...unfortunately he died too...Drake has been there for her all her life..."

"Not a boyfriend?" I asked. Trying to make the conversation a little lighter.

"That's what we all think, doctor. If you could just see them'll think it that way. They're the sweetest couple I have ever seen. Drake was so sweet and romantic. Before I even asked her if he ever

asked her out and she simply replied that they always go every day. Before, you can't get a normal conversation with Addie especially when we open the topic about her and Drake. She would deny everything that is so obvious..." she told. I laughed. I can't imagine her like that...well she's so serious now and she doesn't even smile.

"Her best friend died of leukemia...well because of its complications...and if you could only see her that time...she looks like she lost everything..." she said. I can feel the pain. Addie's pain from Casey's story.

"Well, a few weeks after Drake's death, she immediately resigned. Stat resignation. She said she has enrolled to med school and will finish med and our manager were so surprised by her immediate decision..."

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