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Like your friends

Love your enemies

But is it really that easy

To trust at all, in the end?

Everybody's got secrets

That's a fact

Funny how you can bet

How someone's going to act

When a part of their secret garden gets released

You just gotta be careful

Almost doubtful

See everything like a game of chess

A simple word can go in the press

You can't keep people from talking

And I think that, secretly, we all live from that bickering

We crave so much the attention

That comes from a big revelation

But think of all the trouble that one spoken shit can do

When everyone finally discovers the John or Jane Doe

The author of the scandal,

Or just the victim of some homemade joke

Because yes, everybody's talking

But nothing is keeping them from inventing

Talking is far from being a crime

And at the end, everybody's guilty for it.

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