Cuts 🌟

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Fluff -☁️- , Angst -🌟- , Modern -♦-

AN: I wrote this all a long long longg time ago, so ignore the shitty writing. It was all very rushed.


Aether found out that Xiao was cutting due to stress, lack of parents being around, and getting bullied. Instead of getting angry at him, Aether decided he was going to make a reason for Xiao to not cut, a promise to Aether. He drew stars around Xiao’s scars with a pen, and Xiao promised Aether that he wasn’t going to cut until the stars faded. A few months after that incident, Aether passed away to su!c!de. In order to keep a few memories of his best friend he decided to get tattoos of stars around his scars once he was old enough, to maintain his promise to Aether, in hopes he would find some peace through this.

All the stress and build up of emotions started when Aether was 13. Aether’s parents forced him to be a model. The agency he worked at accepted him due to his long blonde hair and porcelain-like face. Because the modelling agency accepted him for these reasons, he was never allowed to try new things. A few years later, Aether’s sister went missing. Aether was only 15 at this time and already struggling with depression. All of this only made it worse. He feared that if he told anyone, they would just downplay his emotions and leave him to suffer alone. The only one he felt he could trust was Xiao, but he still lied to him again, and again. Soon, Aether got sick of everything happening. His sister went missing, his parents neglected his needs, modelling only made his health worse, he found out his best friend was cutting, everything was just too overwhelming. Before he jumped, he cut his hair for the first time in 16 years. He felt good for the first time. He didn’t realize Xiao was behind him until he jumped and heard Xiao call out to him. All of his years of suffering came to an end. He felt bad that his best friend, the only one who actually cared for him, had to watch him die. But he was at peace at last.

As Xiao fell to the ground, he could feel the entire world around him collapse. He had nothing to live for anymore. The one person who he cherished, who he actually cared for, just took his own life. He could feel the tears running down his face, soaking his shirt as he brought his knees to his chest. He buried his head in his own chest as he sobbed, wishing it was he who had died instead.

After the incident, he felt... nothing. He was numb. He stayed in his room all day and all night. His parents obviously didn’t care, they had even forgotten he’d exist after awhile. As Xiao gazed out the window, he wondered what Aether would want him to do right now. Maybe he would want him to get his life together, try to fix his mental health or.. just grieve. Xiao let out a soft sigh as he stood up to get some fresh air. It took years to finally learn how to be happy, and now it’s all just... gone. He feels nothing, not even sadness. It all just eventually disappeared. After Aether’s death, Xiao was never able to properly heal from it. He’ll always have a few open wounds.

A few days later, he got into a fight with his parents. He wasn’t quite sure what is was about, he just started talking and they yelled back at him. After that incident, it took all of his will power to not pick up the knife that was located just inside his bedside table. He knew Aether would be devastated if he tried cutting again, but it all hurt too much. He slowly walked to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. He made sure to be quiet as to not wake his parents, or it would just end in another argument. He’s not sure why, or rather, he doesn’t remember why. But he started taking all different kinds of pills, at first it only made his body shake slightly from all of the effects, but soon he ended up having to sit down on the bathtub’s rim. He hesitated before continuing to take more pills, eventually becoming light headed and passing out.

When he awoke, he was angered that he had not died and just woke up in a hospital bed. Why would his parents care enough for him to send him to the hospital? It made no sense to him, he was useless. A failure. They said it themselves, so why? After a while of thinking, he started feeling a burning liquid on his face and realized it was tears. When did he start crying? Why was he crying? ‘You shouldn’t be crying, father said it’s useless to cry. You’re a man! Act like it— crying is for babies.’ He thought to himself, recalling the time he started crying when his father slapped him over bad grades.

A few years later, he was finally starting to get better. He had stop cutting but had to take pills every morning to help with his depression. He had a few friends, but doubted that they even liked hanging with him. He had a little voice in his head every now and then, it mimicked Aether’s voice. It usually said kind words of encouragement. It was nice to hear his voice but... it just reminded him of that night. On the rooftop, Aether was standing on the railing, looking down on the city. Xiao tried to talk him out of jumping, but it all was in vain when Aether ended up muttering “I’m sorry.” And jumped. It’s funny how he used to cry everytime he thought of that night, but now it’s like all his tears are dried and there’s no more. “Hey, Xiao! Want to hang out with me and Kazuha at the beach?” A gentle voice called out to Xiao, he raised his head and saw Ayaka running up to him. “I know you don’t like the sun, but it could be fun.” Xiao agreed reluctantly, dreading the sun. Ayaka skipped off in excitement as Xiao got up from his desk and grabbed his bag to leave the classroom. What a pitiful day.
(ending one)

“I’m sorry but.. he hasn’t woken up, and there are chances he never will.” “What are you saying?! Will my baby boy be okay?” Xiao could hear these voices, one sounded familiar but the other, not so much. He could only guess that he ended up overdosing. But why couldn’t he move, or open his eyes at that? He could only listen... it sounded like his mother was crying. But why? She’s neglected him his entire life. He could hear nurses talking and medical equipment humming. Beep, beep, beep... the heart monitor faded slowly until it stopped completely. The last thing he heard was people rushing to his side screaming.
(ending two)


AN: Woah, 1192 words!

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