Whispering your name 🌟>☁️

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Angst to fluff <3


He looked down at his hands, finding them shaking.

It has been raining on and off all day, but currently there was also thunder and lightning to add to the rain. Aether wrapped himself in blankets, trying to focus on anything other than the noise outside, but as another lighting bolt crashed outside he found his heart racing even more.

The blonde started shaking even more, feeling warm tears falling from his already red and swollen eyes, trying (and failing) to control his breathing. After a little while, he noticed himself unconsciously whispering the same name over and over again.

“Xiao...- please, Xiao, xiao...”

There was now a pounding in his head from how much he’d been crying, biting his bottom lip so that he wouldn’t make too much noise. He flinched as he heard another crash outside, the wind banging at the window.

“Xiao.. please, I need you-”

That was all Aether had to whisper before Xiao finally appeared, a black and teal fog appearing before him for a split second. “What happened, Traveler-...” Xiao opened his eyes to look at the jumble of blankets, only after realizing that the famous Traveler wasn’t in danger.

He froze, unsure what to do as he stared at the shaking boy infront of him. He wasn’t exactly accustomed to humans and their strange emotions. He sighed, settling with just copying Aether’s gestures whenever he was in this position.

Walking over to the bed Aether was situated on, he wrapped his arms around the trembling boy, rubbing circles on his back as Aether cried on his shoulder. “It’ll uh... It’ll be okay.” Xiao whispered softly, his voice unsure and a bit confused.

Aether flinched as another bolt of lightning struck the ground, unable to get the thoughts of the Raiden Shogun battle out of his mind. Her sword raising and piercing him with the divine bolts, the pain of lightning traveling through every inch of his body. It hurt. Even though it was over, he could still feel the pain.

Aether’s hands wrapped around the ravenette’s slender waist tightly, burying his face in Xiao’s shoulder as he allowed himself to cry, you wouldn’t even be able to tell he was crying if you weren’t close, as it was silent.

After a little while, he finally calmed down a little, though his breathing hadn’t steadied yet and he was still crying. “Are.. you okay? Aether?” A soft voice asked, snapping Aether out of his thoughts. He shook his head, which caused Xiao to frown a little.

The ravenette sat on the edge of the bed to get more comfortable. He, for some reason, hated seeing the blonde like this. He didn’t know why, but it hurt his heart to see the usually happy Traveler all broken and crying like this.

He continued to rub Aether’s back, not sure what else to do besides for sitting there in dense silence. He eventually heard Aether’s breathing steadying more, the tears stopping as the blonde pulled away, wiping his eyes.

Xiao looked outside, only just now noticing that the weather had calmed down, only rain remaining.

He glanced back at Aether, who was still trembling a little, a solemn look on his face.

Xiao sighed, his voice bitter, but there was underlying concern. “If.. you’re okay now, I’ll leave.”

“No.. I’m sorry-.. please stay.” Aether replied not even a second later, almost desperate for company other than Paimon. Don’t get him wrong, he loved Paimon, and she cared for him a lot. But he needed Xiao right now.

The ravenette, although reluctantly, nodded. He took off his sharp accessories, placing them on the side table before sitting on the edge of the bed and taking off his boots.

Aether gave a weak smile at the dark-haired boy, wrapping his arms around Xiao’s waist again. The other man wrapped his gloved hands around the blonde’s shoulders, pulling Aether closer to be more comfortable on his chest.

They just laid there, for quite awhile actually. Aether, at least, enjoyed the silence. Xiao wasn’t sure what to think but he wasn’t upset with the situation.

Xiao watched the Traveler slowly fall asleep, his breathing steadying out more.

Xiao doesn’t exactly sleep so he just waited to make sure Aether was actually asleep before getting out of bed and putting back on his boots and accessories, leaving a moment later.

Paimon was confused when she saw Xiao leaving Aether’s room.



Paimon looked at Aether, who was braiding his hair for the day. There was a question she’d been meaning to ask. “Traveler, Paimon wants to ask you something.”

“Yes, Paimon?” Aether hummed, still focused on braiding his hair.

“Why did Xiao leave your room last night?”

“Oh! Haha... um, well-..”

Aether didn’t end up answering Paimon’s question. "This is so unfair! Paimon wants grilled tiger-fish as an apology!" Is what Paimon *would’ve* said, if she didn’t know better than to pry at Aether’s secrets and demand something in return for not being told something. She isn’t *that* cruel.

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