One Dance

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⚠️ : some mature content ahead

"I was so surprised when I got back and P'Pai said you left." Ple says over the phone while sitting at her study desk in her room.

Sky is at home, in his own bedroom, sitting in bed with his back to the wall. "I'm sorry. I just suddenly felt...unwell."

After his confrontation with Prapai, Sky went straight home and, as horrible as it sounds, he completely forgot about Ple or Rain and the work they still needed to do. He just wanted to get away from there—from Prapai.

There's a short pause before Ple pipes up. "Sky..."

"Hm?" Sky hums, pressing his forefinger and thumb over his eyes. He feels so tired for some reason and as though reading his mind, Ple tells him then, "Never mind. Get some rest."

"Thanks, Ple." Sky utters weakly then drops the call, not hearing the other say, "I"


The following day, Rain receives bad news so early.

"What?" He exclaims to which P'Kim repeats herself. "Sky pulled out of the events committee and won't be able to assist you anymore."

"And?" Rain questions. "You just let him? You do know formal is in two days?"

P'Kim sighs, looking exhausted herself. "What can I do, Rain? He said it's due to health reasons. Am I supposed to say I don't care and he should complete his task regardless?"


"I'm also up to my neck with work for the formal, Rain. I'm handling the catering, performances and the program for Saturday's event; we're all outnumbered here."

At this, Rain expels a sigh. "Fine...I'll ask P'Pai and P'Phayu if they can help."

"Thanks, Rain."

Rain had every intention of confronting Sky about his sudden exit which he didn't even bother to discuss with Rain. But when he arrives in class, he finds that Sky isn't there yet. And shortly, he overhears Sky's friends talking.

"What? He's not coming?" Sig asks to which Ple sadly bobs her head and replies, "He said he's still feeling under the weather."

"But the formal's on Saturday. Will he make it?" Kao muses and at this, Ple frowns and somewhat scolds her, "Don't jinx it. He's resting now so he can come to the dance with me."

"Okay, sorry." Kao and Sig exchange glances and the latter mouths, "What's up with her?" The other just shrugs.

Meanwhile, Rain wonders, could Sky really be sick?


The sun is high up but Sky has yet to get out of bed. Messages are piling up in his inbox but he doesn't feel like reading or replying to any of them. Shortly, he hears a soft knock then his mom peeks into the room. Sky doesn't move but his mom knows he's awake and she tells him, "Your father and I are going to work. There's food in the kitchen and don't forget to take your meds, okay?"

He doesn't respond right away but eventually hums, feigning sleepiness.

He waits to hear their car maneuvering out of their driveway before sluggishly getting up. He goes to the window just to make sure they're gone.

He honestly doesn't feel like doing anything but he knows he can't keep hiding forever; he has to do something about his predicament. 

Sky pulls the curtains in his bedroom close then, as though without a care in the world, he strips down to nothing right then and there. He walks to the bathroom in the nude and lets the shower run for a while.

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