Bad Liar

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𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖:

I'm not sure if I gave enough warnings for this fic so here it goes. It contains mature content, but also cheating and depictions of emotional and physical abuse. Please proceed with caution if any of these make you uncomfortable.


Ironically, what Sky's father did in order to keep the two boys apart had inadvertently reconnected them and one might say, it rekindled an old flame.

But Sky wouldn't go as far as to say that yet. They exchange a few messages daily is all.

But those messages are the first things he looks at even as he's only half awake in the morning. Those messages put a smile on his face even when they're nothing more than 'good morning' or 'have a nice day'.

And those messages has gotten him through the past weeks with Ple constantly demanding Sky's time and attention.

And it's not even in a sweet or needy way. Lately, she imposes on him as though he doesn't have a choice and that's exactly what she's doing right now.

"I can't go with you guys to the internet cafe later." She tells her friends. "I'm having dinner with Sky's parents tonight."

Funny how she decided that all by herself. But at this point, Sky's pretty much desensitized to it.

"Right, Sky?" She says, looking over to him. Sky nods his head and hums in an almost automated response while typing something on his phone.

And at this, Ple cranes her neck curiously and asks, "Who's that?" Her tone is casual yet inquisitive, mildly flustering Sky. But he quickly gathers himself and replies, "Just my mom, I'm reminding her about dinner."

"Mm, I see." Ple nods but eyes the phone as Sky puts it screen-side down on the table before returning to his meal. It's very unlike him.

Thank god for Sig who pipes up then with his usual nonsense. "Is your mom hot?"

Both Ple and Som make disgusted faces at him and the latter shoves a rice ball in his mouth, saying, "Just eat, you pervert."

The table laughs and only once he's sure that Ple's attention had been diverted does Sky discreetly complete the text he was typing and press send. He then glances at the table across theirs where Prapai's phone vibrates and he quickly checks it as though he'd been waiting.

As Prapai reads the text, he can't help but smile to himself which Rain doesn't miss. He also doesn't miss the way Sky and Prapai steal glances at each other and check their phones back and forth.

"You've been on your phone a lot lately." He remarks. "Are you perhaps...seeing someone?" Rain asks with his eyes narrowed into slits to which Prapai pretends to laugh and says, "I wish."

But technically, that's not a lie. Because he does truly wish he and Sky were like that. And if he were being completely honest, he doesn't even know what they are. But he doesn't want to risk losing whatever this is by complaining.

Rain looks skeptical but he doesn't pry further. "Whatever you say." He shrugs then slumps back in his chair. "At least, whoever that is replies back to you. P'Phayu's just been ignoring me."

"Hey." Prapai coos. "Phayu's not like that. Maybe he's just really busy. You know how it is, being the president of so many orgs on top of being a senior."

But that does next to nothing to comfort the boy because Rain knows better.


Rain is washing his hands in the men's room when he sees Sky's reflection in the mirror as the latter makes his way inside. He closes the door behind him for no particular reason and goes to wash his hands on the sink beside Rain.

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