Eyes Open

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One would think people would just get tired of the same old thing and move on. But as he sits with Rain and Phayu at lunch the following day, Sky still feels those prying and condescending stares, boring a hole on the back of his head.

It's gotten even worse because, now, people are blaming him for Prapai's suspension and Ple's indefinite absence.

The people in the room only avert their eyes when Phayu gives them a 'you got something to say' kind of look and, of course, nobody would dare.

"Don't mind them, Sky." Rain tells him to which Sky smiles agreeably.

"Pai's suspension will be lifted in two days so just hang in there." Phayu adds, making Rain happy seeing as he's on their side now. Sky too feels grateful that they're here to support him in Prapai's place.

"I will, thanks...both of you."

"Don't mention it." Rain beams. But then, his eyes turn thoughtful and he asks, "By the way, will you be skipping the morning classes from now on? I mean, that totally makes sense since Som is still really mad at you."

Phayu listens curiously. But Sky quickly clarifies, "No, it's not that. I, uh, just slept in."

"Mm, I see." Rain hums and, much to Sky's relief, he asks no further questions.

Maybe it's because he skipped his morning class which he shares with most of his ex friends, maybe it's because their afternoon class was canceled or maybe it's due to the fact that he hung around P'Phayu all day that Sky hasn't heard a single snarky comment or had anyone purposely bump into him or pull his chair.

Regardless, he's thankful that the day ended rather peacefully.

And the highlight of his day is when he arrives at the bus stop near campus to head home and finds Prapai waiting for him at the shed.

Sky was actually lowkey sad to be taking the bus alone on a day like this. And although Rain volunteered to ride with him home, Sky couldn't inconvenience the couple anymore than he already has so he politely declined.

But as usual, Prapai never lets him down.

"What are you doing here?" Sky asks, pretending he isn't over the moon.

At this, Prapai pouts. "I'm only prohibited from going to campus. Why? Are you also suspending me from riding with you?"

And Sky finally laughs, the first in a few days now. Then he shakes his head softly, and says, "No, I'm...glad you're here."

And, of course, Prapai breaks into his signature smile—bright and unadulterated.

He sees him off only up until the bus stop. Somehow, a part of him didn't wanna leave Sky that day. He wanted to get off with him, walk him all the way to their front door and wait for him to peek from his bedroom.

That way, he can be sure that Sky is okay. But he knows Sky won't let him, especially since...

"I'll tell my parents today." Sky reveals, prompting Prapai to feel concerned.

"I'll go with you." He insists but Sky shakes his head with a soft smile and says, "P'Pai, I know my father's been really hard on us...but he's still my dad. Besides, we're not the same people we were years ago. I'd like to believe he only did what he thought was right for me."

"But Sky..."

"If you come along, he'll feel ganged up on." Sky argues.

"But that's not it; I just want to be there for you." Prapai's voice has a hint of desperation to which Sky, surprisingly, chuckles. "I know." Sky brings up a hand to touch Prapai's cheek. "I know." He repeats tenderly. "But my dad is old school and his pride is everything to him. So just let me break it to him one on one for now.

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