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That morning, Rain watches as Sky enters their classroom with an arm around Ple and an air of pride about himself that feels very surface level. It makes him wonder what is this image that Sky is trying to outwardly portray...and why.

But Rain already had his suspicions; a gut feeling, one could say.


The kiss gave Sky something of a superpower. It made him feel like a real man which their friends' validated.

As soon as the lunch bell starts ringing, the students start getting up and going around their classroom, joining their friend groups and heading out in clusters. But Sky and his group are taking their time.

"Do you really have to go?" Ple asks, clinging to her boyfriend's arm.

At this, Sky smiles regretfully and tells her, "Unfortunately...do you want to come with?"

Ple's frown instantly turns around and she chirps, "Can I?" To which Sky glances back at Rain then says, "Of course."

If Rain can bring a plus one, then so can he.

"You're really rubbing it in, aren't you?" Kao remarks. "Now that you've kissed, you're acting like a married couple?"

At this, Ple lightly slaps Kao's hand, giving her a 'that was supposed to be a secret' kind of look. But the latter grins mischievously, pinching Ple on her side. "Don't pretend like you didn't secretly want me to spread it around."

Sig shoots a finger heart at Sky and declares, "You're my idol, Sky. I'm so jealous; you have someone to go to the formal with and dance with and..." He turns around, embracing himself and making kissing sounds.

Sky's face twists in disgust and he kicks Sig on the butt, causing the latter to nearly lose balance. They all have a laugh including Sig who's rubbing his backside.

It's times like these that Sky thinks he can pull this off, that he wishes to stay in this peaceful lie instead of venturing into the turbulent truth.

Bringing Ple along was dual purpose. It's so she doesn't feel neglected by her boyfriend but at the same time, so Sky doesn't let his guard down and get exposed to a situation where he might waver.

When they arrive at the gym moments later, Prapai is visibly surprised to see Ple and his gaze almost instantly falls on their clasped hands. But he quickly recollects himself and greets, "Hey, guys."

"Good afternoon, P'Pai." Ple wai's. Prapai returns the gesture.

"You're here early." Rain remarks and at this, Prapai rubs his neck sheepishly and says, "My class finished early so...I decided to get to work on the blackout curtains. I hope you guys don't mind."

And it's then that Sky's head snaps up and he finds that the nails have been hammered in and the curtains were now in place, blocking the harsh rays of sun from entering the venue and giving it the proper mood for the formal.

"Wow, you did that by yourself?" Rain asks, looking at Prapai's handy work in awe. Then he playfully asks, "You're not getting anything out of this; why're you working so hard?"

At this, Prapai chuckles almost sadly and utters, "Nothing, I just...wanted to." But then, he sees the discomfort on Sky's face and he retracts his initial statement. "Fine, Phayu said he'll buy me a beer if I do this."

Rain laughs at that. But on the contrary, Sky involuntarily clenches his hand, unaware that he's squeezing Ple's in the process to the point that it somewhat hurts. He only realizes it when she whispers to him, "Sky...my hand."

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