Will Of The Wind

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"When will you two have a second baby? I'm sure Star would love to have a sibling soon." Ple's mother chides to a very disinterested Ple.

They're currently at her and Sky's home—a spacious house with a garden where a little boy is currently playing. He trips on his feet and lands on the grass. Ple softly shouts a 'be careful' before returning to her mom with an unamused expression.

"It's been six years." Ple's mom adds. "Why don't you and Sky go on a trip? We'll watch Star for a weekend."

"Please, ma." Ple replies irritably. "I told you, Sky's busy. He's working on his promotion so I don't wanna sabotage his chances. We can always go after."

But she's only saying that to pacify her mother who seems to be having a second-grandchild fever. And honestly, although Ple initially only had Star to blackmail Sky, she's grown fond of motherhood and would love to have a daughter.

But she knows it's impossible.

Sky wouldn't even touch her on their honeymoon; he said it wasn't good for the baby. But Ple knew better—she knows better.

That drunken mistake was the first and last time Sky would ever sleep with her and since he quit drinking, there's no chance of it ever happening again.

But Ple can live with having one child and a sexless marriage if it meant she can be with Sky. He's everything she ever imagined; kind, patient and competent. Everyone says she married well and she couldn't agree more.

"Fine." Ple's mother concedes-ish. "Just make sure he won't be having a second child with another woman while you're being all complacent."

Ple almost smirks. Again, not gonna happen because she knows Sky is gay. And the only real threat to their relationship was Prapai but he's in the past. She one-upped him when she gave Sky something Prapai never could—a child.

Thankfully, his mother in law has long left when Sky arrives home; he doesn't exactly enjoy her company, what with her babbling on and on about giving Star a sibling.

Ple greets him at the door, giving him a kiss on the lips. He lets her but never meets her halfway, then his attention instantly goes to Star who comes running as soon as he sees his papa is home.

He jumps into Sky's arms, the latter carrying him into the living room and leaving his wife to follow behind.

"What are you watching?" Sky asks, setting the boy down on the sofa in front of the tv and sitting down next to him.

"Cartoons!" The boy exclaims. Sky chuckles and ruffles his son's hair; Star's cute smile takes away some of his tiredness from work and life in general.

"How was work?" Ple chimes in to which Sky answers softly albeit distant, "It was fine. How's mom?" He asks, referring to Ple's mother.

"She's doing great!" Ple can't help but feel excited even with the smallest exchanges. And yet, when she goes to sit next to Sky, his body remains turned away from her. He snuggles with Star instead and the boy falls asleep shortly in his arms.

"I'll have aunt Frem put him in bed. Aunt Fr-" Ple calls the help but is cut short when Sky pipes up quietly, "No need, I'll do it."

"But-" Ple wants to protest but she reminds herself not to push Sky too hard, lest he might just snap. "Okay, you should also freshen up. I'll have dinner ready while you're at it."

Sky nods and proceeds to carry his son up to the boy's room. Ple keeps the smile on her face until the last second and only then does she sigh frustratedly.

The following day, Sky decides to fetch Star from school himself. He didn't have an appointment after lunch so he easily agreed when his boy asked with puppy eyes and everything at breakfast.

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