Chapter 1

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I sighed, walking away from the crowded plaza.

Does he have to raise such a commotion every time he does even the smallest thing?

It is my brothers birthday tomorrow, and I finally saved up enough money to buy him a gift. I was just on my way to the mall when All Might appeared. He was doing a meet and greet, just on a whim, and it so happened to be at the exact mall I was going to.

Dumb heroes. I can't believe Hitoshi wants to be one.

I turned into an alley, hoping to take a shortcut. I knew these alleys like the back of my hand from the amount of times I had to escape my and my brothers bullies. They were easier to navigate than the crowded streets, at least in my not so humble opinion.

As I was walking, an average man wearing just your average outfit approached me. I suppose the weirdest thing about him was how hard he was trying to act inconspicuous, but that was ridiculous since he was taking a back alley rather than the main street. Then again, I can't really talk.

"Hi kid." He nodded to me, smiling brightly. "You look a little sad. You okay?"

Sad? Not at all, I sighed. I'm more tired and frustrated than anything.

"Not a talker huh?" I shrugged at his words, making him crouch down next to me, our heads suddenly on the same height level. "Well then, some candy always cheers up kids, no matter what they are going through. Here, I have a packet just for you."

He handed me a few crumbly pieces of candy in a variety of bright colours and shapes. In all honesty, they looked delicious.

I'll have to split them with Toshi once I get home, I decided, a small smile cracking through my tough demeanor.

"See? I told you candy always helps." The man smiles once more, standing up again. "Well, I have to go now. But if you ever want more feel free to come back. I'll hang around the area, just for you."

Just as he was about to take a step back, a large explosion blows both of us against the alley wall.

Something warm and wet drips down my neck and glass shards impale my skin as I sit among the rubbish bags. Definitely not something a six year old should experience.

It hurts.

"I AM HERE!!! STOP RIGHT THERE, VILLAIN!!" All Might declared loudly, standing in front of me in his signature pose. "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH TRICKING THIS YOUNG MAN!!"

Shut up.

I didn't look up at him. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I struggled to my feet. My dark purple hair hid my eyes as I weakly stood up.

"Villain? Hah, pathetic." I growled quietly, moving to shield the man who offered me candy. "What kind of villain treats someone with kindness? I think you are mistaken, All Might."

A heavy fist flew past me, landing next to the man on the ground, the wind pressure blowing my dark purple hair away from my eyes.

What the hell do you want?

"DO NOT RESIST, YOUNG MAN. I WILL TAKE BOTH OF YOU TO THE POLICE STATION NOW!!" All Might glared down at the villain, shooting his signature smile at me, and picked both of us up.

I let him drag us away, not bothering to even look at him. What can I do against the number one hero?

While the man from before was being dragged away by the collar, I sat safely in All Might's arms. The hero also apologized for being so rough, so I guess I should give him props for that.

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