Chapter 2

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Evil laughter brought me out of my daze, instantly snapping my attention to what was around the corner. I froze, counting the sets of footsteps coming our way. Three people... No, four.

I shoved Hitoshi, hard, into a pile of rubbish nearby. He fell with a short yelp but I ignored it. Making as little noise as possible I leapt forwards to bring attention away from the large pile of trash.

I was barely a few steps from where I stood previously when they turned the corner.

"Eh? You again?" The loud boy sneered, his lackeys laughing cruelly from behind him. "Look who we have here. It's the villains brother! Which means that he is also a villain!! What would a good hero do, I wonder?"

"Exterminate the villain!!" The other two boys cheered, while the fourth one shuddered from behind the first one.

The first punch pushed me against a brick wall, with the second one bringing me down to my knees.

It hurts.

Still. It's better to take on this beating than fight and attract attention. 

As long as they don't notice Toshi, that is all that matters.

Rough punches and kicks continued send shockwaves through my body. The main kid seemed to have a strength enhancement quirk, while the other two just added to the injury with their mediocre kicks. Lovely.

The pain burned through my body, forcing me to close my eyes and clench my jaw.

Why do they do this? What have I ever done to you? You call me a villain, yet you do this.

"Leave my brother alone!!" Someone screamed as a shadow fell over my shuddering form.

Hitoshi!! I hid you for a reason!!

"It's the resident villain!!" The main kid jeered. "Why, its because of you that your brother is being called a villain."

What a simple minded connection. If you weren't in my class, I would've thought you were in preschool.

Unlike my brothers gravity defying lavender hair that stood above his head, adding to his height, mine was dark violet and hung over my eyes. It drooped down to my shoulders, often confusing people into thinking I was emo. Of course this also obstructed my vision, but if it meant that people would leave me be, then so be it.

Unfortunately, right now my hair was a hinderance.

I looked up with my eyes half lidded, not being able to see much but noting my brothers horrible posture. 

His arms were wobbling in front of his face as he held a battle position. Terrible guard, easy to break. His legs were standing crookedly. Terrible stance, easy to knock over. His back to was hunched. Terrible posture, easy to beat. Even a weakling could take you down, Hitoshi.

The bully narrowed his eyes at my brother, stepping back. Suddenly his face lit up as if he had come to a realization.

"Oi Kaminari!! C'mere!!" The loud kid growled.

The weak kid at the back stumbled forward, trembling under the first kids glare. He had tear filled electric yellow eyes, and messy golden hair with a black stripe of lightning. His uniform didn't sit on his thin frame quite right, and he had little tremors running through his fingers, as if he just got electrocuted.

"You wanna be a hero, eh?" He nodded at the bullies words. "And what does a good hero do?"

The weak kid mumbled something, causing the boy to get even angrier. He yelled at him to speak up.

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