Chapter 29

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~Third Person POV~

"Oi Shinobu!!" Bakugou called out to his friend as he approached him. "Guess wha- OH MY GOD!!"

Ryuji was currently bench pressing every single weight stacked and twisted to the sides of the bar, counting under his breath. The gym was almost empty this morning, so the purple haired boy decided it would be a good chance to use every weight he could get his hands on.

Oh, and of course a single bar would snap under such weight, so the Ryuji duct taped eight bars together, balancing them precariously on his palms with his fingers barely gripping on.

"Fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six..." He muttered, his muscles straining for once. 

"You... how..." Bakugou dropped his bag, staring at his friend with his eyes wide. "This shouldn't be possible..."

"Heya Zenitsu." Ryuji huffed. "Mind spotting me?"

And you expect me to do that how exactly? The blonde clicked his tongue. "Sure."

He stood at the head of the bench, tenderly hovering his hands underneath the handles.

If he drops it... Bakugou shuddered at what would happen, both to him and Ryuji.

"You are insane." He laughed shakily. "How the fuck did you get this strong with just a mental quirk? What the hell is your job to require this much raw strength?" 

Ryuji grinned, his muscles relaxing slightly. "Who knows."

"Don't lose focus!" Bakugou panicked, then realized that his friend shook the barbel on purpose. "Fucking bastard."

"Yeah yeah." The purple haired boy laughed. "What were you going to tell me anyway? You sounded excited."

"Wouldn't you like to know." The blonde retorted, still salty.

"Would you like to try beating my deadlift record?" Ryuji offered, still lifting the weights up and down. He was up to sixty-eight.

"Okay Shinobu, there's no need for that." Bakugou snapped. "I got my acceptance to UA letter this morning."

"Ah, and you came to boast about it to me because I am your only friend?" The purple haired boy grinned, earning a scowl in return.

"Cocky bastard." Bakugou growled. "Careful, or I might smack that weight out of your hands to crush you."

"How terrifying." Ryuji laughed. "No but in all seriousness, congratulations for getting into UA. I heard the exam is difficult."

"Nah it was a piece of cake." The blonde boasted. "All I had to do was beat up robots."

"But... isn't it a hero course exam? So there would be points for saving people too?" The jewel-eyed boy frowned, counting to ninety-one under his breath.

Bakugou shrugged. Ryuji kept lifting the weights, counting to one hundred and putting it up on the stand. The boy slowly sat up, raising one elegant eyebrow as he looked at his friend.

"You might be talented in beating up villains, but saving people is also part of a heroes job. In fact, the whole reason you get to beat up villains is to save civilians and prevent deaths." Ryuji lectured. 

"Well yeah, but I didn't know the criteria for it or how many points I would earn." Bakugou replied. "At the time my goal was to pass, not be a hero. UA will teach me to be a hero."

"'Why should someone who is already a hero go to a hero school?', huh." Ryuji hummed. "Fair."

"Exactly." The blonde nodded.

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