Chapter 11

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~Hitoshi's POV~

"MIWA, YOU'RE ACTUALLY SO USELESS!!!" Me and my twin yelled simultaneously. 

We were watching anime, specifically Jujutsu Kaisen, and let's just say we were really into it.

"SHE SHOULD'VE LISTENED TO MECHAMARU!!" I screeched at the screen.


Suddenly one of the characters, the villain by the name of Kenjaku, began readying an attack. Miwa just stood there, shocked that her ultimate move didn't work.

"RUN AWAY!! DO SOMETHING!!!" My twin slammed his hand into the floorboards in frustration.

"HONESTLY!! SAKURA MIGHT HAVE A RIVAL BY THIS POINT!!!!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

We proceeded to aggressively watch the episode, our emotions spinning and exploding around the room in a wild manner. Once the episode ended, the two of us were left panting on the ground in exhaustion.

"Respect for Choso." I finally spoke up. "Ma boy actually used his brain unlike everyone else."

"Real." Ryu gasped from next to me. "He used everything he had to fight Kenjaku. I bet Noritoshi was impressed. He does have the same abilities after all."

I hummed in agreement, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was almost 10PM.

I wasn't sleepy.

But I was curious about something.

"Hey Ryu?" I looked over at him. "I have been wondering for a while, but what happened with that sludge villain?"

Back then, I had fainted from quirk overuse as soon as Ryu left to help Midoriya. I vaguely remember demonic laughter, but I must have been hearing things. Next thing I knew I was back home a full day later. 

It has been a couple days since I woke up and although everything seemed fine, I had a gut feeling something significant happened while I was unconscious. The question is what?

"If you're asking whether the hostage and the Midoriya kid were safe and unharmed, yes they were fine." He replied, shrugging. "The blonde guy was covered in slime by the end and his hands were smoking from quirk overuse, but he was fine. Midoriya cried and passed out, also covered in slime remains. Once I made sure everything was alright, I carried you home."

"Really?" I raised one eyebrow. "Is that all?"

He never lied to me once. But he has worded his sentences in a way which was technically the truth, but hid a lot of important information before. Now was probably one of those times.

"Well that is the gist of it. Why?" He sat up.

"I'm just wondering how you took down the sludge villain. That and," I also sat up. "how did you manage to leave so suddenly? Didn't the crowd try to stop you? Didn't the police or heroes question you? How the hell did you manage to knock out someone without a solid body!?"

Ryu sighed deeply, pressing his hands against his ear.

Shit, I got too loud again, I mentally slapped myself. 

He hates loud noises, and although he says it's fine when I raise my voice, I know he is simply enduring it for my sake.

"Alright, fine, I'll explain everything." He pouted. "Just don't freak out, okay?"

I groaned. "What did you do?"

"Nothing illegal. Mostly." He added sheepishly.

I glared at him, narrowing my eyes as I did. Ryujiki hunched his shoulders and looked down at the ground shamefully, like a child being scolded. Well, then again that is this exact situation.

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