Chapter 24

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~Mustard's POV~

It always took a while to get to the beach, but for some reason it felt like it took longer today.

Letter in hand, I strode across the sand towards Undead-sama's hunched figure. He was facing the ocean, staring at the waves longingly. Even with the mask, I could tell he was sad.

I didn't say anything as bowed, knowing he doesn't like sound. He was only merciful with Shinsou-sama, allowing him to be as loud as he wanted. I on the other hand, although allowed to talk as much as I want, must remain quiet. I was well aware of my position.

"What's that paper in your hand?" Undead-sama finally spoke up.

"I got a recruitment letter from Giran. He asked if I could meet up with him tomorrow night, and..." I took a deep breath. "He also asked me to bring you along."

The masked serial killer didn't say anything. He stood still, gazing at the ocean.

"Does he realize that I have no reason to go?" Undead-sama finally spoke up quietly. "Realistically, nothing in my life will change if I refuse."

I nodded furiously, glad that I wasn't the only one to come to such conclusion.

"But," These words made me freeze. "I have a bad feeling something could change. Something important, in fact. I've had this feeling since before you arrived."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

Undead-sama drew a few lines in the sand with his foot; I observed, unsure of what to do next.

"Let's go get Hitoshi. He's taking a while." The serial killer suddenly spoke up, his voice oddly serious. "Wear your mask and don't fall behind."

Undead-sama sped off, not waiting for a response.

As I followed, an uneasy feeling began growing in my chest.

He's taking me with him. 


Is it because my quirk will be useful?

Or maybe he finally thinks of me as an underling rather than a pawn?

Undead-sama suddenly ran faster, silencing his and my footsteps as he did. I could no longer hear my own panting nor the wind blowing through my ears. It was weird, but not entirely uncomfortable. 

Yet, something felt off. Undead-sama was never this serious, and the sudden switch in his demeanor made me worry.

~Third Person POV~

Giran was relaxing on a barstool when he suddenly heard a knock on the front door.

"Expecting guests?" The bartender asked curiously.

"No, not at all." The informant shook his head. 

"They are mine." A young voice retorted from a couch on the other side of the room.

The door opened and in came a man, dragging behind him an unconscious purple haired boy. The man's face was bruised, a bloody bandage crudely covering the nose. His brown hair hung in greasy strands over his forehead as he worriedly looked around.

"I got what you asked for, Shigaraki." The man informed him, almost desperate. "Now pay me and I'll be out of here."

Kurogiri narrowed his glowing yellow eyes as he took in the scene, surprised that his Young Master actually did something other than play video games.

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