Chapter 22

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~Third Person POV~

The fight ended quickly with Shinsou overwhelming Midoriya with a series of punches, much like what Mustard- err, I mean Takashi did the first time he and Shinsou sparred.

To say Midoriya was surprised would be an understatement. Once he woke up -- after being brutally knocked out by the purple haired boy -- he began buzzing with excitement and asking question after question about his training regime.

All Might- err, Yagi just watched thoughtfully.

Soon enough, he approached Shinsou.

"Well, then, I guess that is all." He smiled. "Thank you for sparring with Young Midoriya."

Shinsou glanced at the man, his expression just as bored as it was when they first met ten minutes ago. He nodded in acknowledgement before walking towards Takashi.

"He changed." Midoriya commented, an expression of awe still evident on his face.

"What was he like before?" All Might asked as he began leading the greenette away.

"He never initiated anything. Whether it be a conversation or attack." Izuku replied. "I wonder what happened. There as so many possibilities... I can't wait to write this down..."

As the kid began muttering up a storm, the blonde man took one last look at the lavender-haired kid before he turned the corner behind the mountain of rubbish.

Shinsou, huh, All Might narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. Why do you seem familiar?

~Hitoshi's POV~

Once I was sure that All Might and Midoriya were far enough away, I walked right up to Takashi, our faces mere centimeters apart.

He was shorter than me, and his face had a younger complexion. I would estimate him to be around twelve. So, in turn, I was looking down at him as I spat my next words.

"Explain." I growled, glaring at him.

He sighed, an annoyed look crossing his face. "I don't know what to tell you man. I'm not allowed to talk about Ryu-sama."

"Ryujiki." I corrected angrily. "Only I get to call him Ryu. You will call him Ryujiki."

"Right." Takashi rolled his eyes.

"Okayyyyy everyone." Undead spoked up with his distorted voice, gently breaking us apart. "How about we sit down for this? There are some things even I can't talk about, but I'll try to explain to the best of my ability."

I let the serial killer guide me over to an abandoned bench, still glaring at the two villains.

"Takashi, you can go home for now. I'll send Ichiro to fill you in later." Undead commanded, waving away the blonde boy.

"Yes, Undead-sama." Takashi, who always looked at the serial killer with an unhealthy admiration, suddenly had an even shinier and happier look on his face than usual. Weird.

Once he walked away, the masked boy sighed, his breathing distorted by the voice changer. "Where should I start..."

"You could tell me what connection that guy has with Ryu." I snapped. "Or maybe when and how Ryu saved your life? Where is he? Is he safe? Who the hell is Ichiro?"

The serial killer sat down next to me on the bench, burying his face in his hands with another distorted sigh.

"I can't tell you about my own connection to your brother, but I can explain the situation with Mustard." He suggested. "And before you ask again, Ryujiki is safe. Sort off. Me and him live together and share all the food we can get our hands on. He sometimes finesses passerby's to give him money or food, while I pressure criminal organizations to treat me to dinner."

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