Chapter 19

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~Ryujiki's POV~

I don't know why I came back for him.

He hates me. He told me to leave. I only hold him back. But I couldn't turn away when I saw him crying.

After changing back into my villain and leaving Mustard on a rooftop not too far away, I came back.

And here I was, silently embracing my weeping brother. His sobs were muffled by my hoodie, his trembling body tightly supported by my arms.

I lost count of how much time passed, just doing everything to calm down Hitoshi. His sniffles slowly ceased, his shivers subsiding. Nostalgia gripped my heart as I remember how I hugged him every time he woke up from a nightmare back when we were younger.

He slowly stepped away from me, taking a few deep breaths and rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"W-why are you here?" He asked me quietly. "Who are y-you?"

I shook my head. If I speak, he will find out who I am by my voice.

"Still won't tell me, huh." Hitoshi sighed in disappointed.

I sighed in response, which seemed to annoy him. He looked at me sourly, crossing his arms. I mirrored his actions, amused by how easy it was to fuel his rage. He never acted like this when he spoke to me, likely because he was scared of giving me a panic attack.

"If you won't talk, can you at least write?" He asked somewhat angrily. "This one-way communication is annoying."

That's a good idea. I need something to write with first though.

I nodded, instantly reaching for his arm. He didn't have time to react before I picked him up and began sprinting down the street. Hitoshi began struggling in my arms, even going as far as to punch me.

This only made me tighten my grip on him, making him sigh in defeat.

"Am I being kidnapped?" He wondered aloud as I ran. "People can track my location you know. What a lame kidnapper."

I couldn't help but laugh, although this noise was carried away by the wind. If I was a real kidnapper this information would just make me kill him or take away his phone.

Either Hitoshi can tell I'm not kidnapping him, I mused. Or he really is just that dumb.

I kept running until I reached a specific alley. This alley was where I met Eraserhead, way back when I first escaped. It was quite nice, far enough from the main road and dark enough to not be spotted from above.

Gently setting Hitoshi on the ground, I began digging through the massive bin next to us. My brother threw weird looks at me but didn't leave. 

This is the perfect moment to escape, I sighed. Why not take his chance? Hasn't he realized his situation?

Thankfully the bin had what I was looking for.

A piece of chalk.

There wasn't much of it, but it was hopefully enough for out conversation.

'Hello. Sorry for taking you so suddenly.' I scribbled across the dirty concrete. 'Also, you are really dumb.'

"Asshole." Hitoshi muttered. "Who are you anyway? Why did you bring me here? Why did you hug me like that?"

Before I could write a response, a group of thugs stumbled into the alley. They drunkenly made their way towards us, laughing and swearing at each other. They didn't seem to notice my shadowy figure, but they sure noticed Hitoshi.

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