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I must be cursed.

Zach rushes to us and pulls Asher off me. He goes over to me and checks my face for bruises. I'm laughing a little.

"Babe I'm fine. He didn't hit me if that's what you're thinking."

" he made you cry though."
"He kissed me in front on Cade"
" I'm beating his ass"
" no it's fine we fixed it."

"Nyah please tell me he was forcing you and you didn't just let him rub on your pussy." He says looking slightly disgusted.

"I'M NOT A RAPIST!!" Asher says while walking over to us

This is gonna go bad quickly. I have to stop this now.

"Hey babe can you do me a huge favor?" I ask Zach

"Can you go by that bar near the Chinese buffet and get my car for me. When Asher came to pick me up I left it there. It's only 9 so Leo should still be there with my keys" I ask pleading

"What's in it for me?"
"Blowjob?" I say quickly

"You're gonna regret saying that. I promise." Asher says with a growl.

"Fine but you owe me. You want me to bring it here?" He says ignoring my suggestion and Asher's words.

"Yes please"
"Alright love you bye"
"Love you too bye boo"

And with that he leaves Asher's room.

" ash I have to go braid Cade's hair, I'm gonna spend the night here but don't try anything funny."

"You better not flirt with him" he snarls


I push him out of my way to go knock on Cades door. He opens it with no shirt on looking all sexy.

"Umm I'm ready if you are" I say and smile sweetly

"Yeah come in"

I've never been in his room before. Everything is so neat and it smells so good in here. Like coconuts. Asher's room smells like cinnamon, both of them love candles and essential oils. Their house always smells so nice.

"I'll sit on the floor and you can just sit on the bed." he says while closing his door. Asher is not gonna like this

Okay Nyah calm down. You can be in his room with him alone without trying to have sex. Just breathe.

" I got all the stuff ready. I just want 2 braid please." He says while looking at his phone.

I start parting his hair.

"Sorry for punching Serena but she deserved it."
"It's Sara"

"I don't care"
I start braiding one side of his hair

"Nyah can I ask you something?"

"How come you always beat up the girl that are around me? I mean sometimes they deserve it but a lot of the times you just punch them for no reason." He asks me

Crap idk what to say

" umm I just don't have a good control over my emotions I guess."

" oh, how come you've never hit me?"
Because I love you duh

" you haven't done anything to me yet." I lie with ease

I start to braid the other side of his head.

"Are you and Asher dating? Cause you have hickeys on you neck and I always see him touching your butt and kissing your neck."

I'm gonna kill Asher

"No of course not. He just likes to annoy me."

" interesting, you know we've never had a real conversation before."

Cause you're scared of me and I'd stick my tongue in your mouth if you get too close.

" I don't know why that is babe. You never seem to have anything to say to me."

" it's not that."
I finish and I stand up. I can only be a good girl for so long. I have to leave. But I do have a question for him.

"Cade are you scared of me? Cause everyone says you are and it bothers me a little. You don't think I'm scary right?"

" maybe a little, I mean you do tend to hit people a lot. I'm not necessarily scared of you I'm more so scared of being around you while you're angry. I mean I've seen you beat up a grown man twice." He's not wrong it can be scary when I'm angry.

" oh come on. Look at me I'm 5'2 and sexy I can't be that scary right?" I say flirting with him.

" I guess not, I mean you are pretty small." He chuckles

"See now give me a hug. We've never hugged before and I know once you are in these arms you'll feel nothing but comfort." I say before winking at him

He just laugh and comes to hug me. This is it. This is my chance. He hugs me tightly and I almost melt but I have to keep my composure. He finally breaks away from our hug. He looks at me with a smile.

" see I'm not so scary and feel free to hug me anytime you want". I say poking his bicep

" I think I'm gonna take you up on that offer." I can't stop smiling. My cheeks hurt.

" I have to go back to Asher's room. But, I'm probably gonna go cook something because I'm starving. Any requests?"

"Shrimp and grits please. I haven't had it in a while."
I guess you can say I'm the cook of the group and I've made shrimp and grits for the group a couple of times.

"You got it!"
"Also" I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear. My lips touching his ear slightly.
"You don't have to be scared of me, I won't bite. At least not too hard." and I let my teeth graze his ear.

I pull away and see him looking shocked and a little turned on. YES!!!

" I have to go now, bye babe." I say while swaying my hips walking out his door.
Yes yes yesssss!!

As soon as I get outside of his door I am grabbed and pushed against the wall as a soft pair of lips meet mine.

Asher definitely Asher.

" I don't care what happened in there all I know is he can't make you feel like I can." He says with his forehead pushed against mine.

"I know I know come on." I drag him to the kitchen.

I cooked the shrimp and grits then relaxed and watch movies while cuddling with Asher in his bed. Definitely not a bad night. I even let Asher kiss me goodnight. Ofc he stuck his tongue in but, I didn't even mind because I'm happy.

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