Ch. 43

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I wake up the next morning and see that Cade is not in his bed. I do hear voices outside of his door though. I quickly slip on some pajama pants and a tank top, brush my teeth and wash my face and then go out there. I see Cade, Hailey and Zach in his kitchen drinking coffee

"Rise and Shine sleeping beauty." Zach says to me

"Morning baby." Cade says and then comes to me and gives me a long kiss on my lips

Well that's new.

"And when did this happen?" Hailey says with excitement in her voice

"Last night. Babe I know you don't like coffee so I poured you a cup of watermelon juice." He says sweetly to me and then gives me the juice

"So are y'all dating now?" Zach asks
"It's complicated." We say at the same time

"What do you mean it's complicated Nyah?" He says looking slightly hurt

"Um nothing." I say while sipping my juice

"We're official. I took a picture of us together last night and put it on her Snapchat story to keep the men away from my love."

He did what?

"You did what?" I ask

"All I did was publicly claim my girl." He says while smiling

"Uh Cade we need to talk. Like now."

"Well that's our cue to go." Hailey says while pulling Zach out the door

"What do we need to talk about."

"I'm not your girl Cade. All we did was have sex." I say seriously

"Yes you are."
"Look Cade I'm not the relationship type of girl. I like to flirt and have my own fun."
"I know but you have no choice but to stop all that nonsense now."

"I don't want to date you. You're not even my type."

"Well then I'll just have to convince you that I am your type. Nyah you're not going anywhere. You're my girl and that's final."

He must be crazy

"You're crazy. You can't force me to date you."

"I'm not forcing anything. You're just mine regardless of what you say." He says and shrugs

" we are not together." I say getting angry
"Yes we are."
"I'm going home!!" I yell and then limp to his room

He really messed me up last night

"Don't run Nyah. Let's talk like adults." He says with a sigh

"No, you don't want to hear what I have to say. You already made up your mind. I just want to go home."

"Just stop and listen to what I have to say. It won't take long. Let me just get this out. I want you to know how I feel." He says while grabbing my arm

"Fine Cade." I say and sit on his bed

He sits beside me and grabs my hand. I have to fight the urge to pull away.

"Okay I wanna tell you a story. Promise you'll listen okay?" He says while looking me in the eyes

Those sparkling green eyes.

I freaking love green eyes

"Okay." I sigh

Flashback in Cades POV
~The Day he met Nyah

I am currently driving to the park with my best friend Asher. We're supposed to meet my sister, her boyfriend Zach and his best friend Nyah.

Hailey tells me that this Nyah girl is bad news. She has an attitude problem and has issues with keeping her hands to herself. Me being me I was immediately put off by this information but Asher says he loves a feisty woman.

"Dude what do you think Nyah looks like? Tall blonde or a sexy Latina?" He asks me curiously

"I don't know. I mean she's best friends with Zach so she's probably Dominican too." I say and shrug cause I really don't know or care.

"Mmm I love Latin women. You think she'll be into a white guy?" He asks

"Man I don't know." I say while pulling into a parking spot at the park

"How come we never met her? I mean we met Zach a bunch of times but she's never been around."

"Zach says she's in college and that she doesn't like being around Hailey." I say to him while we're walking to the basketball court

"He's never showed you a picture of her?"

"Nope and I've never asked for one."

"Why not? She could be hot."

"I doubt it. I mean Hailey wouldn't let Zach be friends with a girl that looks good." I say with a shrug

"Hmm maybe she's ugly and that's why she doesn't want to be around us." He says

I ignore him and as we get closer to the park I see my sister fall on the ground holding her throat.

I quickly run up to her not without screaming her name.

I walk right to her and she's on the floor crying and holding her throat.

"Hailey what's wrong, what happened!!" I yell and she just points,
I look in the direction and I see Zach and beside him probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Soon Asher blocks my view and starts talking to her.

That's Nyah, THE Nyah. Fuck she's gorgeous. She has big brown eyes, golden brown skin, and her hair is braided with weave. She's very short compared to me and She's black.

Then suddenly I hear her talk and she's inviting Asher to go behind some bleachers with her. Me and Zach both yell NO.

I don't know why he yelled no but I'll be damned if Asher gets to her before me. I'm gonna make this girl mine one day.

Suddenly I see Zach pull her away and mama got the cake. Pretty face and a fat ass. I know I'm gonna have to work for her.

I hear Asher yell something about her being thick but I'm not paying attention cause I'm in a daze. That girl is a goddess among men.

"Hailey you okay?" I ask while pulling her from the ground

"No! That bitch chopped me in the throat." She yells

"Why?" I ask and start walking with her and Asher to my car.

"Cause she's crazy! She hates me and Zach doesn't do anything about it! I think he loves her and not me." She says while crying hysterically

"Sis calm down I'm sure he doesn't like her like that." I say trying to calm her down

"Shit if I was him I would. Did you see her body?" Asher says with a laugh

"Not helping."

We get to my car and the whole ride back to our place Hailey is crying and complaining about Nyah.

I'm not paying her any mind though. All I can think about is how I can win Nyah over

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